i devlop one intranet application that gives totally hardware information like memor information,harddisk informatation ,i found may shell comand that give me this information
but i can't find mother-board information so if any one had an idea then please tell me.

There is a command to show full details for the machine which im guessing is the one you have already found, but there are several switches that can be used with it to narrow down the information displayed. Hopefully you can find what your looking for using the commands below.

If you type ....
system_profiler -detailLevel mini

system_profiler -detailLevel basic

it will display all details about the machine listed in the System Profiler including the Logic Board details. I am unsure of the exact switch to detail just the board details alone but if you type....

system_profiler man

You will get a list of the switches that can be used and hopefully there will be one to narrow down the results displayed to just the Logic details.

Sorry I can't be of more help but that is just about the only way I can think of getting the information you require.
Hope it helps!

i already use system_profiler command also saw all parameter of it but i can't find mother board information.

In that case then i'm not sure how to get detailed specifics out of the logic.
Please post if you do find a solution as I would be interested to know.
Good luck.

The Chud-Tools of XCode, which is on your installer disk, will give you the required information.

best redage

All Supporting MotherBoard For Mac OS x lepord......?

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