I have a Mac OS 10. and I'm using Explorer 5.2. When I try to download a movie I get the following message: "You Do Not Have The Plug-In to View This Text." I'm then given the option to go to : "Choose Proper Application," and the listing is of no use i.e. calculator. Can someone tell me what I need to do.


IE 5.2 has been out of date for OS X for a couple years now... the browser of choice is Safari or Firefox.

I would start there, as an installation of either could make that website more accessable for you.

Which version of 10 are you working with? 10.1 10.2 103?



I'm using version 10.2. Which would you suggest Safari or Firefox? Can they be downloaded from the internet for free or is there a charge? Are there any negative sides to either of these? Thanks

You already have Safari - it's in you Applications folder.
Firefox is a free download from mozilla.org.

Both are good browsers - better than MIE.

Kezz, you are right. I do have Safri in my application folder but this has not solved my problem. I still can't download movies. I still get the same error message?

I have a Mac OS 10. and I'm using Explorer 5.2. When I try to download a movie I get the following message: "You Do Not Have The Plug-In to View This Text." I'm then given the option to go to : "Choose Proper Application," and the listing is of no use i.e. calculator. Can someone tell me what I need to do.

I too hate this about OSX, and have learned to mercifully circumvent it, CthAllahu be praised.

1/ First disable Quick Time ["QT"] the app as the default media player from QT prefs.
[Ironically QT actually _slows_ time down via the 'Ancient App Paradox' ; and QT is more finicky than the other media players -especially with QT files.
Luckily the larger media world continues to ignore QuickTime very successfully, leaving it hidden, where it belongs.]

2/Next :
determine the type of file you want to view by noting the extension- i.e.
.wmv, .rm [for Windows Media and Real Player respectively], etc.
- downloading the movie file [or "Save to Disk"] should give you this info if you don't see it in your link. If you don't recognize the extension, try Googling it.
If the extension is WMV, open Windows Media Player and be happy.
Otherwise Real Player handles most smaller files found online well.
Both these are free MEdia Player downloads, and I keep them near at hand when surfing. But I still haven't got OSX to grok high volume vid streaming like "Torrent" yet.

Open your chosen 'media player' app and either
A/ enter the URL of the file you want to view into "app/FILE/URL" field from the bar, and enjoy;

B/ or , IF you "Saved to Disk",
*NOW* you dick with the cumbersome Apple Finder window that OSX originally prompted us to use...
[...Why OS does this I do not know. But yr right Safari/FireFox/Opera etc . just do the same thing in OS].
Using this method, Choose "OPEN FILE:" from the bar and choose from opened Finder window. If the extension is damaged though, be prepared to repair it with the correct one.

666/ How anyone could still suggest SAFARI or FIREFOX is an improvement over EXPLORER remains beyond my limeted, non-geek understanding.
EXPLORER r u le s even years late with la range and flexibility of its user-defined ergonomic options.
I wish I could import EXPLORER features directly into OSX, MS WORD, SAFARI and FIEFOX.
How is it real-time years can pass for SAFARI in the objective Einsteinian world without a useable field-fill feature? Why can't users define what info is recalled to us, the specific password we wish to prompt in 'password security' when these geekified browsers get details wrong 1/2 the time ?
I love EXPLORER and will give it up only when you give me something better.

As a non-geek, I can say it: the so-called Mac OS-allied browsers will go the way of OPERA, hype premature like the othersuckers .
>o> >o> >o> >o> >o> >o> >o>
And while we're here: WTF is up with the OSX Finder window!?
Instead of the bulky gray [Brushed Metal"] business with the clunkin' borders ["themes"? memes-noise.] and a "column view" option that quickly hides every folder name in favor of 'columns' - of empty, blank spaces.

MIGA: Make it go away.
Give me gracefully arranged, logically nested, minimal EXPLORER "Favorites" toolbar format that responds quickly to drag&drop without jitter and indecision while it makes some damn aesthetic statement.
>o> >o> >o> >o> >o> >o> >o>
One day people will realize the iPod is every bit as awkward as the silly OS FINDER which obviously inspired iPod architecture.
>o> >o> >o> >o> >o> >o> >o>
When that happens, APPLE will be left holding its out-of-date bag of OS applications and designs, an OSX no-one else can write aps for anymore, 20 million earbuds in the "everyone-look-at-me, see-the-iPod", no-longer-1999-trendoid White, and the pile of not-up-to-legal-specs batteries that they are going to be forced to replace by class action lawsuit. Hooray!

Jeeze.. that's quite a soapbox you're standing on.

Jeeze.. that's quite a soapbox you're standing on.

thank you, I found it out behind a slaughterhouse.

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