
i am new to Mac so dont know alot of the software that is out there, however the first piece of software i need is a firewall and Antivirus (preferably free) are there any that u guys can recommend



So you're new to mac, eh? How about we start with what kind of Mac you're learning on, powermac, iBook, whether it's a G3 G4 or G5, which version of Mac OS you're running, OS 9 or 10.4 for example. That's going to affect what you can and can't add a lot.

Sorry it took so long for someone to respond.

ipfw (the built-in firewall) is pretty good.


sorry i fogot to mention that i am on a Mini mac G4 1.25GHZ with 512 mb Ram that obviously runs MAC OSX 10.3.5

Oooo hahahah cooool Mac Mini!! What do you think about it? Are you coming from a Windoze background? What brought you to try the mac?

Welcome to the club!

Norton Antivirus is what I use, and is fairly a cheap software program to buy. Check into that for your virus protection. By the way, welcome to MAC (Most Awsome Computer) EVER. I don't like windows at all. Had family members that were windows forever, but got them to by Mac's, and love it.......and one of 'em are my parents who've never owned a computer before, and say the mac is sooooo easy to learn!


I would not be the quickest to jump onto the Norton bandwagon.... I have seen cases where Norton fell apart in the Windoze world, and the antivirus just seems clunky on the Mac.

Also note that Virex, the last time I checked, was incompatable with my USB Palm device. I could not sync while Virex was up and running, because Virex would lock the file. I also found Virex support on OS X to be spotty at best.

Right now, I am not using anything on my Mac for anti-virus. I do not use Microsoft Office, so any office macro bugs heading my direction will not execute. I love OpenOffice. I am also behind a Linux-based firewall, so attacks via the network are thwarted there.

My linux box scans with BitDefender on a daily basis.


Also note that Virex, the last time I checked, was incompatable with my USB Palm device. I could not sync while Virex was up and running, because Virex would lock the file.

I discovered this on Friday after reinstalling Panther on my work Mac. I decided to upgrade Virex to 7.5.1 at the same time. And then tore my hair out when my Palm wouldn't sync. MAN that was annoying. Needless to say, I'm back running virex 7.2.1.

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