First of all, I'm running on OS 9.2 Normally when I do a hard restart a message comes up that says disk first aid is taking care of the problems, but this time I got a message, which said the disk first aid couldn't fix it. When I went disk first aid and verified the problem I got this message:

Problem: Keys out of order, 4, 504

Is there anyway to fix it without having to use the software restore and losing all of my files?

Hmm, I'd definitely back up any data you can, if you have the ability. then try running first aid a couple more times. As far as I can figure out that error means that the part of your hard drive that stores information about what files are on the disk is damaged in some way.

How would one go about backing up data on an Ibook?

Hmm... it depends. Which model is it? Is it one of the colored clamshells, or is it the snow white one that's rectangular? Also, what's the processor speed?

Hmm... it depends. Which model is it? Is it one of the colored clamshells, or is it the snow white one that's rectangular? Also, what's the processor speed?

It's one of the colored clamshelled models.It's a G3. It's speed is 366 mhz

I tried using software install and system restore, but they both said that the disks couldn't fix it, and that I may have to reinitialize the start up disk.


I am lax, and am sorry for being gone so long.

To save the data off, you need to either find a CD-ROM burning solution, or a network solution. Let us know if you have either available to you. WIth the network, you can setup another computer to receive the contents via the network cable. With the CD-ROM unit, you can save your data off the hard drive onto the CD disk.


Do you have an installation CD to boot from?

What I'd do is run Disk First Aid from that CD, and see if you get any better results. Sometimes when you're not booting from the affected disk, you have more capability to fix problems if you have to move around blocks and files.

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