Can anyone recommend a solution to allow buttons to link on my IE explorter 5.1.7 on my iMac OS 8.6. All traditional hypertext links work, but on certain web pages anything that looks like a button is dead when I click on it. (for example when I click on the "download" button to download Yahoo Messenger software, nothing happens.


Oh wow.. 8.6 has been done for a few years now.

You might need to rebuild the desktop in order to get the program to fire off properly. It is also possible that support for those links might not be available in IE 5.1 under OS 8.6

Do the websites show properly in Netscape?


yes. Everything shows up correctly. I'll try a desktop rebuild. Know anyplace one can download os9?

OS9 need to be purchased. It is not a free upgrade from 8.6.

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