My work computer is a Mac OS X and before working here I am not very familiar to Macs. It's been a couple of months but the people I'm sending documents out to are saying that the emails that they have been getting from me have viruses.

Does that mean that my computer has a virus?

If yes, how do I fix it?


But you can send infected files, etc.

Well, so many people tend to think macs are virus-free... it's not true at all! You should at least install a firewall (e.g. Protemac Netmine) - it must be enough.

Macs actually are virus free, there are only trojans. However as already noted in this friends Macs can pass on Windows viruses.

Macs actually are virus free, there are only trojans. However as already noted in this friends Macs can pass on Windows viruses.

Sure, that's what I meant.

Hi guys
As for me for protecting mac i prefer use NetMine.It's really good tool.Try:)

Hi, this program has already been mentioned, thank you anyway.

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