What is default DBMS system in MAC. Also is there any way to develope dbms application in windows and run that file on mac os.

In short which is the dbms software which which can work on both mac and windows platform?

I use Filemaker pro on PC and Mac.
It works fine.


Im not sure if Office for Mac includes MS Access.

Its a UNIX-Like system anyway, so MySQL, Derby etc... should run on it.

Does filemaker pro comes with standard mac or we need to install it separtely?

You need to buy it.

There is no such thing as a standard DBMS. Access is *not* the windows "standard dbms".

In short which is the dbms software which which can work on both mac and windows platform?

SQLite, Firebird, MySQL, possibly oracle, etc...

But if you want a nice easy desktop one like MS Access, filemaker is probably the closest thing.

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