:sad: please help. I cannot drag anything on my desktop to anywhere! I cannot drag files to the trash, to folders, or drag folders anywhere! I have shut down and restarted, I have checked the disk. what can I do?

Log in as another user and see if the problem persists there.

Thank you, but it didn't help. I am not locked as the administrator, but something must be locked somewhere! I do not know how to find out what. i have Norton privacy control which will not load..error messsage states it could not communicate with Norton's privacy control extension. I thought maybe something was locked there, but cannot access the controls. Any more ideas? please, please, I'm desparate!

Sounds like you have Norton System Works installed. My first suggestion would be to disable and remove it. It causes nothing but trouble.

Ok, I'll try that! thank you!

Try running Disk Utility to repair permissions, incorrect disk/file permissions can cause things like this. It is a good habit to always repair permissions after installing or modifying software, too; I'm not sure why, but there will almost always be something to fix after installing something new.

Try running Disk Utility to repair permissions, incorrect disk/file permissions can cause things like this. It is a good habit to always repair permissions after installing or modifying software, too; I'm not sure why, but there will almost always be something to fix after installing something new.

Premissions Repair doesn't affect anything in one's home directory. Permissions Repair ONLY compares the Bill of Materials archive's set permissions in /Library/Receipts/ to those of the installed files. If there's no BOM archive, no permissions get changed. It's ONLY worth repairing permissions AFTER installing something that requires an admin password. That's the only way (if you're secure) that something might have had a receipt installed.

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