:!: help! i hav a Mac OS X version 10.2.2 and i often play audio CDs. A few days ago when I put in a CD nothing happened and it didnt load. I thought it might be dirt but it wasnt because DVDs still work, but audio CDs wont! Can anyone tell me what might be wrong? and what I can do?
please help!!!! :sad:

did you try cleaning the drive? does it recognize the cd at all? are you able to read data cds? maybe it is your music playing software (causing the problem)

:!: help! i hav a Mac OS X version 10.2.2 and i often play audio CDs. A few days ago when I put in a CD nothing happened and it didnt load. I thought it might be dirt but it wasnt because DVDs still work, but audio CDs wont! Can anyone tell me what might be wrong? and what I can do?
please help!!!! :sad:

Sorry to hear this. I have just the opposite problem. I fired up my eMac 700megahertz combo drive, that I recently got repaired from a different problem, and now the DVD drive doesn't work. Tier 2 support at Apple finally decided it had to go back to the shop. Never will I buy another Apple refurbished machine. Been reading too many bad stories about them using inferior replacement parts. My new 1gig eMac works fine. But these were mostly eMac stories.
What machine are you using?

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