How can i create Internet Connection (ADSL) in Mac os ?
whene i try to connect to internet this message shown : "Could not find PPPoE server"

Try this link

About your problem i have never heard of ADSL only DSL. It has to do with your server problem, try restting your modem and router

If your problem is solved can you please mark the thread as solved. You can do that by going to the bottom. Thanks, i appreciate it.

If your problem is solved can you please mark the thread as solved. You can do that by going to the bottom. Thanks, i appreciate it.

The poster has not yet returned. Stop asking people to mark threads as solved to boost your solved threads count. That is up to the thread creator himself to decide to do that, since he has not returned we don't know.

The poster has not yet returned. Stop asking people to mark threads as solved to boost your solved threads count. That is up to the thread creator himself to decide to do that, since he has not returned we don't know.

Ok, i promise i won't do that again and for other threads

i still can not connect !

Hi mahdi68. Try going to your network diagnostics. You can do this by clicking on system preferences which you can find on your dock. Next step, when you are inside system preferences go to network. Click on assist me and click on diagnostics. Follow the prompts and steps and tell me did it go well for you. To use the above steps you have to be an administrator, certain steps they will ask you for the administrator username and password to proceed to the next step. Good Luck


This Computer does not seem to be connected to a DSL or cable modem , or to an Ethernet network

But cable is conecteed and modem status light is flashing

Did you follow my advise and go to network diagnostics. It may have to do with your computer problem or settings since you have that cable is connected and modem status light is flashing. Try my suggestion first

Did you follow my advise and go to network diagnostics. It may have to do with your computer problem or settings since you have that cable is connected and modem status light is flashing. Try my suggestion first

Hi , yes i follow your advise and this message shown : "This Computer does not seem to be connected to a DSL or cable modem , or to an Ethernet network"

whene i type in safari url bar i cant access to modem control panel

You are using a linksys modem right. I experience this problem before, when i type the modem control panel url, it will prompt me for a passowrd, after i type my password it display, error loading page. Have you reset your modem. Is the your other computer working fine? Somethings seems to be wrong with you airport, go to network assistant,. YOu can find it in the same place as you found network diagonistics. Click on assistant and follow the steps, if the problem persist backup your file in a hard disk and send for repair

Hi , My modem is D-Link , i use it on windows 7 and fedora it work fine , i reset it but nothings chengs

Have you go to network assistant? If that fails, backup your stuff on a hard disk and sent your macbook for repair.

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