Hi, I just got a new iMac G5 with OS X Tiger, and I am unable to download MP3 sound files. When I try, QuickTime Player automatically opens and begins to play them, but I am unable to download them. These are information files, not music files. On my old iMac with OS 9, I could simply click on the URL (e.g. domain.com/filename.mp3) and it would download onto my hard drive and play on iTunes. I'd appreciate any suggestions; there must be something I'm missing.



Hi, I just got a new iMac G5 with OS X Tiger, and I am unable to download MP3 sound files. When I try, QuickTime Player automatically opens and begins to play them, but I am unable to download them. These are information files, not music files. On my old iMac with OS 9, I could simply click on the URL (e.g. domain.com/filename.mp3) and it would download onto my hard drive and play on iTunes. I'd appreciate any suggestions; there must be something I'm missing.



Sorry Don,
I don't know iMacs or Tiger (except I'm waiting until they quit with all the fixes before I buy it. That may be when the next OS arrives.)
Maybe somebody has an idea here or another forum.
Good luck!

Sorry Don,
I don't know iMacs or Tiger (except I'm waiting until they quit with all the fixes before I buy it. That may be when the next OS arrives.)
Maybe somebody has an idea here or another forum.
Good luck!

Thanks for responding, Dan. I just found the answer to my problem in another forum: ctrl-click on the file, and then select "Download Linked File." Boy, the time I spent trying to figure that one out. :o

I know what you mean by "all the fixes"; that's why I decided to buy one of the iMacs with the Power PC chip before they get discontinued. There was no way I wanted to be a beta tester for the new Intel iMacs. Now that I have my G5, I wish I'd bought one sooner; I love it.

All the best, Don

Thanks for responding, Dan. I just found the answer to my problem in another forum: ctrl-click on the file, and then select "Download Linked File." Boy, the time I spent trying to figure that one out. :o

I know what you mean by "all the fixes"; that's why I decided to buy one of the iMacs with the Power PC chip before they get discontinued. There was no way I wanted to be a beta tester for the new Intel iMacs. Now that I have my G5, I wish I'd bought one sooner; I love it.

All the best, Don

No problem. I saw a few that had no replies. Doesn't seem very friendly, Even if you don't know the answer.
Well, I'm glad you found the remedy and that was a great idea on the Power PC iMac. Someday I'll have something like that. But the eMacs keep doing what I need.

What forum was that? Nobody here, except me, replied to my issue of a "dead" spot on my older eMac's CRT screen. The thing is out of it's extended warranty by 3 months and I thought it fixed itself, but the dead spot goblin is back. Can't do anything in about a 2" square area of the screen.
So I'd like to know the forum you used. I'll try a few others myself.

Take care and enjoy the new machine!

No problem. I saw a few that had no replies. Doesn't seem very friendly, Even if you don't know the answer.
Well, I'm glad you found the remedy and that was a great idea on the Power PC iMac. Someday I'll have something like that. But the eMacs keep doing what I need.

What forum was that? Nobody here, except me, replied to my issue of a "dead" spot on my older eMac's CRT screen. The thing is out of it's extended warranty by 3 months and I thought it fixed itself, but the dead spot goblin is back. Can't do anything in about a 2" square area of the screen.
So I'd like to know the forum you used. I'll try a few others myself.

Take care and enjoy the new machine!

Dan, I received help on the Site Build It! Forum; it's a private subscribers-only forum for those who use the SBI! system to build websites for affiliate marketing. I'll check, and if I discover anything, I'll reply in your thread "Dead corner on eMac screen."

All the best,

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