I am looking for an application that creates a client folder, sub folders and futher sub folders, does anyone have any recommendations? I best I have seen so far is "Client Folder Maker" but that only allows you to create 2 levels of folders, and that it.

Any help i would be very grateful.

I am looking for an application that creates a client folder, sub folders and futher sub folders, does anyone have any recommendations? I best I have seen so far is "Client Folder Maker" but that only allows you to create 2 levels of folders, and that it.

Any help i would be very grateful.

If you're savvy enough, you can create your own. Basically, a shell script starts with a #/bin/sh, and then you write all your terminal commands below that, save the file so that it ends with a .sh, and then run it in the terminal.

Sorry, I don't know of a program that can do this.

thanks for your reply, however i woudnt have a clue on doing what you suggested! but thanks anyway

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