When the Mac Performa 5200 boots up, the finder comes on but the arrow is stuck in the upper left corner of the screen. I have zapped the P-RAM, but that did not solve the problem. I would be grateful for any suggestions.

Have you tried using another mouse? You might also be able to use the accessibility controls to move your mouse if you have the extension enabled.

That's an idea. I will look for another mouse with the correct end to plug into the computer. However, I tried the arrow keys and the cursor (arrow) did not move using them. As I recall, using the arrow keys was a way to move the cursor also.

As I recall, using the arrow keys was a way to move the cursor also.

Yes, but you must first enable Mouse Keys for the numberpad to be able to control the cursor. First try a mouse that you know works, or try the mouse that's currently hooked up to your Mac at another computer.

Thanks! I am trying to locate a mouse that fits the ADB port, as my other mouse is USB. It may take me a few days. I really appreciate your help. I didn't know about enabling the mouse keys. I don't know how to do that but probably can't at this point.

I didn't know about enabling the mouse keys. I don't know how to do that but probably can't at this point.

Not without a mouse. To enable mouse keys, you must go into the Control Panel, which is accessible from the Apple Menu, and then choose Accessibility, and in the Mouse page I believe you can enable Mouse Keys (hard to remember, as I'm not on my Mac IIvi right now).

I found another ADB mouse (one that works), but the arrow (cursor) still does not move. There must be something wrong with the computer. Any ideas?

Hmm... do a reinstall of MacOS? It's kind of a drastic move, but if you choose to preserve your settings and data, it won't wreck anything.

Can't really think why the mouse would be stuck in the corner, perhaps some file have gotten corrupted in the hard drive.

Okay, I was holding off on that as a last resort. I have an OS 9.1 disk that I will check to see if it will be possible to put on a 5200.

Thanks again for all your help.

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