I'm trying to run Lisp 4.2 in OS X 10.2.8 Classic mode. After i have installed the program, I douple click the program icon, the classic mode starts, but then: nothing.
Does this mean that Lisp 4.2 does not work in OS X?


I would suggest that you do a Google search on "Lisp OS X" and see if you can port your Lisp 4.2 code into the programs available for OS X. Be prepared for a porting issue though; I do not know Lisp, and have no way to test it. But, I think it would be wise for you to look into the other OS X native solutions instead of investing loads of time.

You can start here:


Let us know what you find!


I just heard, that lisp 4.2 does not work in OS X classic mode. So that's it.
Thank you anyway kc0arf!

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