Since installing 10.4.6, my PowerMac G4 crashes frequently (every few minutes).

Mostly while trying to use Excel in Classic mode. But Firefox also crashes while in X, just not as frequently.

Tried to load TechToolsPro 3.05 into Applications for OS 9 folder. It installs, however when I try to run it, a message appears that it is not a recognized Control Panel.

It appears from the readme file that TTPro 3.05 is OS X compatible, however that doesn't seem to work either.

I'm using a Microsoft Intellimouse (optical w/ wheel) and most crashes occur while using the wheel. I downloaded an updated version of the mouse software, but still get crashes.

Prior to 10.4.6, files on Classic worked just fine and I did not have crashes. I did also recently load Photoshop Elements but that doesn't seem to be the problem.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas and/or suggestions. I want my Mac back.

Thanks very much.

What version of OS X was installed prior to 10.4.6? First thing you should try is updating to the latest version of OS X, 10.4.10. Then see if anything changed.

Version 10.3.9 was previous. Will try updating as you suggest. Thanks!

I attempted to download the upgrade and it would not perform the download. The message was: "You cannot install Mac OSX Update (PowerPC) on this volume. Volume does not meet the requirements for this update."

It does not detail which reqrmts., nor what to do about it. Any ideas?

Edit: I just ran the Utilities Disk Permission Repair and Verify Disk on the Tiger (10.4.6) installation disk: all is deemed to be ok. It did some permission repairs but disk verification required no repairs.

Attempted to do an update through the Apple Menu software update and received message that there was a network problem. It prompted to run Network diagnostics, which I did and it said the connection to internet was working properly. Reattempted to do update and received the same message as before. Would not work.

What in the world has contaminated this machine?

It's because you're trying to upgrade directly from 10.6 to 10.10, skipping all the versions in between. To do that, you need a combo update. Try downloading and installing this:

Better yet, use the Software Update utility, accessible from the Apple menu, to download everything automatically. Not only this, but it will also allow you to update other Apple software installed on your Mac.

I went to that link and the system requirements say it has to be an Intel based Mac. Mine is PowerPC. Should I still try it or will it cause even more problems?

I too am experiencing frequent crashes and cursor lock-ups. I'm running 10.4.10 on my Mini. I am unable to isolate to a particular program. I have reformatted my hardrive, etc. but it still happens several times an hour. Sometime the ESC key will free it, sometimes just opening Force Quit without quitting anything will work. Sometimes just waiting for 5 - 10 minute will free it. I have watched the Activity Monitor but it shows nothing unusual.

Your thoughts?


Since installing 10.4.6, my PowerMac G4 crashes frequently (every few minutes).

Mostly while trying to use Excel in Classic mode. But Firefox also crashes while in X, just not as frequently.

Tried to load TechToolsPro 3.05 into Applications for OS 9 folder. It installs, however when I try to run it, a message appears that it is not a recognized Control Panel.

It appears from the readme file that TTPro 3.05 is OS X compatible, however that doesn't seem to work either.

I'm using a Microsoft Intellimouse (optical w/ wheel) and most crashes occur while using the wheel. I downloaded an updated version of the mouse software, but still get crashes.

Prior to 10.4.6, files on Classic worked just fine and I did not have crashes. I did also recently load Photoshop Elements but that doesn't seem to be the problem.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas and/or suggestions. I want my Mac back.

Thanks very much.

Thanks for the link Joe. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you - was out of town.

Well, I just downloaded the link and ran the update. First time it said there were errors and instructed to try again.

I did so and it got all the way to the finishing installation when it crashed and had to use power button to power down.

Waited 10 min., powered back up and got black screen with all kinds of jibberish; Darwin . . Kernel . . and ended with "we're in a panic here".

Shut down w/ power button again. Waited, powered up and got same screen.

I think it's toast!! Is there any hope?


Sorry to hear that. It definitely sounds like you need to re-install Mac OS X from scratch!

Ahhh, great minds think alike. I did just that last night. As you can see, I have a somewhat functioning unit back. However I have been unable to download any of the upgrades.

Started w/ the 10.4.10 combo and it errored out. Thought perhaps I should go back a notch and do 10.4.9 combo, then add 4.10 after that. Not sure if that is sound reasoning, but thougth worth a try. So far, have been unsuccesful in getting that to download either. At this point, am talking about just downloading the file. Can't even get to the point of installing it. Will continue to try tomorrow.

Past my bedtime for now. I'm outta here til Friday, that is if the thunderstorms ever quit.


Apple's servers can be funky sometimes. Not sure if it's entirely on my end or not, but oftentimes downloads will stop midway, for no apparent reason. Just try again later.

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