I need help.
Whenever I start up my laptop, either normally or by using safe mode, it gets a BSOD and restarts. The BSOD lasts approx 1/2 a second.

The top of the BSOD was

the STOP message was

*** STOP : 0x000000ED (0x8x70?900,0xCD000006,0x00000000,0x00000000)

The ? in the middle of the first parameter of the stop message was a number/letter i could not decipher. It couldve been a 0,8,or a lowercase E

Do any of you guys have any suggestions as to what to do?
Thanks for a hopefully quick and helpful response

First thing I would check is to make sure the HD is properly seated in the laptop.

Pretty sure it is. I'm assuming the HD overheated recently. In this case, what would I do?

If the HD overheated chances are it is fried and will need to be replaced. - You can boot a windows install CD and check to see if you can access the drive using the Windows recovery option.

I should also mention that most of the HD vendors provide utilities that can be down loaded from their sites to verify the health of the drive. For instance IBM Hitachi Drive Fitness Test (DFT) http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Hard-Disk-Utils/IBM-Hitachi-Drive-Fitness-Test.shtml is a tool I keep around for this very purpose. Check with the vendor of the HD to see if they have similar utilities. I know Western Digital and Maxtor have similar utilities.

ya, the HD is completely fried. Guess that was the problem, thanks for your help!

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