My machine crashed, after overclocking the RAM and CPU (have reset default clock settings), I am now unable to completely boot Windows (safe or normal mode), the machine locks up after the XP boot screen completes...I cannot see my home-screen. I am currently posting this thread using the same system, in Asus Splashtop Browser. Any and all help is much appreciated. The system specs. are as follows:

Asus P5E3 Deluxe Wi-Fi, Intel E6850, 4Gb OZC HPC-DDR3 1066, 74Gb WD-Raptor, 250Gb SATA Hitachi DS, 160 IDE WD-Caviar, Asus X1600 (passive cooled), Zalman 750watt PSU...

My machine crashed, after overclocking the RAM and CPU (have reset default clock settings), I am now unable to completely boot Windows (safe or normal mode), the machine locks up after the XP boot screen completes...I cannot see my home-screen. I am currently posting this thread using the same system, in Asus Splashtop Browser. Any and all help is much appreciated. The system specs. are as follows:

Asus P5E3 Deluxe Wi-Fi, Intel E6850, 4Gb OZC HPC-DDR3 1066, 74Gb WD-Raptor, 250Gb SATA Hitachi DS, 160 IDE WD-Caviar, Asus X1600 (passive cooled), Zalman 750watt PSU...

it seems that your RAM has stopped working properly , try to reinstall the OS and during the installation your computer hangs then i am sure that
ram is not working properly,also you can check RAM status in BIOS. If you have installed 2 RAM on the Motherbord then remove faulted RAM and try to reinstall OS.

wow,dual core ,4 gig of ram and still risked its all to overclock ,just home much speed do people need!
I guess thats' why you call yourself maverick .lol good luck getting this straightened out .i remember some of my meager attempts at over clocking and something about holding down the Home key and rebooting ,to reset settings,but that was long ago

Thanks for all of your help, it was indeed the operating system, have since reformatted and reclocked to a mediocre 3.2Ghz. Sorry for the slow reply new semester with a high courseload, but thanks to all who posted.

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