Just formatted my computer for the first time, and now cannot connect to the internet. I think I need to install drivers, or something.

I have an Intel Avalon D915GAV motherboard, judging by this picture: [IMG]http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/8251/unitow6.th.png[/IMG].

I have an Ethernet cable line, with Charter Communications.

One more pic:

So what do I do? Please help! I really want my internet back.

successfully installed graphics accelerator, but when I attempted to install the LAN drivers, it gave me this error message:

"Cannot install drivers. No Intel(R) PRO Adapters are present in this computer."

anybody? this is where I got stuck on another board that was trying to help me

ok ,in the aida32 program ,go to network in the tree,it should tell you what network casd/device is installed


god ,is everyone afraid to click on icons ,you needed to click around within that section to find the controller .so i will shorten the search for you ,click on the pci/pnp network ,this will show you what in the box ,then search www.google.com for what it shows ,this should lead to drivers for the device .search like this , "what it shows drivers"

It says Ethernet Controller[noDB]. I searched that on google, with "drivers" on the end, and it just brought me to a bunch of forums.

Can you finish this off for me? I'll send you like 10 bucks if you get it working. Better than nothing.

It says Ethernet Controller[noDB].
Can you finish this off for me?

nope sorry i need more than that ,do you actually have a place on the back of the computer to plug a cat45 Internet cable into !

Edit : actually maybe i can ,get everest ,same type of program as adia32 only better ,get it here http://www.filehippo.com/download/9a382eef69349b01526888d513581c92/download/ it will have similar side panel as adia32 to find network card .

ITS WORKING!!!! Thank you so much. How can I pay you? I have pay pal.

ITS WORKING!!!! Thank you so much. How can I pay you? I have pay pal.

no payment necessary ,just click on the link to above to add to my good reputation .lol

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