I was able to install Visual Basic 6.0 in Vista Ultimate without problems... However, when I try to activate the ADO Data Control Component, it displays an error message (something concerning with the registry entries or some sort)... Then I tried reinstalling VB 6. The same thing happens again.. Can somebody please help me? Can't live without it..

Vista does not officially support VB6.

Go to Windows Update and click Check for updates. Look in the list and there should be a VB6 Update for Vista. Tick it and click Install Updates. Then reboot.

Go to Windows Update and click Check for updates. Look in the list and there should be a VB6 Update for Vista. Tick it and click Install Updates. Then reboot.

Microsoft Visual Basic does not work properly with Windows Vista or Windows 7. We need to wait until MS fixes the issues and release a new version of VB... They changes so many thing in Vista or 7.0 that every development tools must be updated.

they will not fix VB6 because it has reached end of life

only currently supported IDEs are .NET 2005 and 2008

they will not fix VB6 because it has reached end of life

This is not true. Miscrosoft has committed to fix VB 6.0 for VISTA - see Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows®Vista™and Windows®Server 2008 ™ made a year ago:


The problem that it is not registering the DLLs that was used to build VB apps on VISTA. I tested bt VB6 on VISTA and VB IDE crashes frequently. The apps I developed do not work on VISTA, as well as on Windows 7.0 Beta that I just tested....

First of all, as jbennet says, Microsoft did commit to supporting VB6 and it DOES so indicate that on their web site.

I tested installing VB6 on a machine with a virgin copy of Vista Home and it installed fine. I wiped the machine clean, and reinstalled Vista to have a virgin OS for testing Install Scripts and I ran into the same problem so many have run into. I still have to support some old applications that are using old VB6 controls, and I too, searched for hours for a solution to some of the problems. The solution I found that was most sickening was that the controls don't register properly, BUT.... if you just reference the OCX with regsvr and UNREGISTER the control, then immediately re-register it, it worked fine. Example for FlexGrid
Regsvr msflxgrd.ocx /u (to unregister it) then
RegSvr msflxgrd.ocx (to re-register it)

What I am having most difficulty with, and it seems several hundred others as well, is that some apps, installed on Vista, are having an unresolved problem with ADO. I have a simple VB6 front end with an Access database backend, and ADO fails on some Vista machines. I'm still searching for a solution to ...
Method '~' of object '~' failed

Any ideas out there ?

I have another idea and more information on this VB6/Vista issue. I have to admit first, I don't like Vista and I'm still using W2k and XP for development desktops, but... It's come to my attention that all errors aren't as obvious as others. In Vista, you need to look at the Event Viewer as a more detailed source for resolving errors. I've been chasing this Method '~' of object '~' failed error for days now, and one of my users showed me the Vista Event View for appl errors and it's reporting a dll problem. At the moment, I think I have a version issue with the DLLs, but at least the new information has me pointed in a new direction to try to resolve this.

i think vb 10 exists already

wasnt the original net (2002) vb7
therefore 2003 would have been vb8
2005 would be vb9
and 2008 would be vb10

I found a workable solution to the error. My user has SP1 applied to their Vista machine, and we still got the error. You can right-click on the exe itself, select a compatability mode setting in the Security tab. The program works fine now. I am amazed however.

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