I have just come to run a newly installed program and am getting the message:-

"Run-time error '5'; Invalid procedure call or argument" when I attempt to run it.

I am using XP Home. Any advice please?

I was hoping there would be a reply on this thread,i was searching google and found it!

When i try to run 'PEEPING TOM' (Its an AOL utility) I get this also (Just started happening a few days ago) Worked fine before that....

Anyone know what might have started causing this?

I was doing some extreme file down/uploading and deleting the other day and im wondering if something was accidently removed....

Thanx (Im surprised searching google lead me here :))

What is VERY STRANGE is,this only happens when my cable modem is on!! (If i pull the power cord out of the modem,this program works fine as always has!! (But obviously i cant do anything with it)) I just found this out yesterday.


This cable modem i have now is a PIECE OF GARBAGE (Its a SMC router and is crap for the most part)

I lost my GOOD modem (PCX5000) by mistake!!

I just tried to reboot the modem and it still does it....

Anyone know what might be causing this??

I wish i could merge all my replies into one so it doesnt look quite so stupid here.......

I just verified its got something to do with this SMC ROUTER :(

When i logon to the BELKIN router upstairs,IT RUNS FINE!! (Although i dont have updated info and cant do anything (I dont wanna update it and lose my default gateway,etc just to do this test (I would have to do ipconfig release all then renew all (I dont have to do that to see it IS the SMC piece of garbage that is somehow trying to prevent this program from running (It didnt used to though before i did all that file work)))))

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