think ISP is at fault

Are you running McAfee? The basic installation of McAfee blocks port 25 by default. You can disable this in the console under access protection the top check box.

One way you can rule out your ISP is by using another email application like quick mailer this is a lightweight stand-alone email application. You will have to enter your SMTP server to send a test message.

Are you able to telnet to your smtp server? From a command prompt type in ‘telnet smtp_server_name_or_ip 25’



I have removed all virus protection

I have tried "telnet" response "connecting to telnet could not connect to host, on port 23....connection failed"

think ISP is at fault

if so ,did you phone them to help you with it !! its usually a free call.
also please tell us what program you are trying to use to send and receive the emails .

1 your out going server might be typed incorrectly double check the setting

2 if thats correct you are blacklisted by your isp probably from sending too many emails in a given time period that will look at it as spam and block you.

the ISP (PIPEX) said there was no issue withtheir mail server and the problem was with my PC & nortons interb=net security( so I removed it and re built my PC) but the problem is still there


I have removed all virus protection

I have tried "telnet" response "connecting to telnet could not connect to host, on port 23....connection failed"

Looks like you forgot the port # try "telnet 25". If you are unsuccessful it would lead me to believe you are not on the access list or are blocked. What is your ISP saying?


I have removed all virus protection

I have tried "telnet" response "connecting to telnet could not connect to host, on port 23....connection failed"

you need to do this:

telnet 25

in order to test the smtp service

and anyhow, if you're unable to receive, check the smtp server settings on the email client software.

here is s funny short story, i work at a cable company help desk, guy calls in, cannot send email, swear up and down that he quadruple chekc every thing, turned out he typed SMTP >STMP and also curse me saying that that how it used to work before, funny story after he listen to me and rearrange the letters. i was not beside him but i know he was red in the face.

Point to this is check the server setting again and verify the correct port.

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