I have XP pro and have a wireless network at home. I cannot get two of the four computers to recognize the printer.

We all know what the normal printer icon looks like but what the heck does the bar below the printer mean? Could that be part of my problem? Any ideas?

I have XP pro and have a wireless network at home. I cannot get two of the four computers to recognize the printer.

We all know what the normal printer icon looks like but what the heck does the bar below the printer mean? Could that be part of my problem? Any ideas?

I included a bitmap attachment of the icon in question.

I don't know, but:
I looked at my icons and saw the same bar, which I had never seen before. This printer had been deleted some time before, but had never disappeared. I noticed it had docs pending, so I deleted them and the icon disappeared. So-any docs pending for this printer?

It means it is a network printer.

i.e. the printer is not attached to the local machine but is being shared on the network by some manner of print server(might be built into print or could be another computer)

Thank you for the info. Problem solved.

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