XP SP2 - I partitioned my new hd (seagate barracuda 220) last week, set it up as per some common setups mentioned here. I have my XP OS on C:, all my programs on D: - they automatically install there. I have my data on E:. Workspace on F:.

From what I read, 10Gb was plenty for the OS.... but I'm getting worried, I only have 1.5GB left. The only program I actually intentionally installed was ERUNT for registry backups.

I see Messenger, MovieMaker, Netmeeting in there... which I don't need, but don't know how to delete. It doesn't seem they are even installed. I don't need Outlook Express either. Can Windows Media player be installed elsewhere? None of these things seem to be taking up that much space. the Windows folder is the culprit - but there's still only 3.3 gb in there. Tons of the $NTUninstalls. None of the folders seem to have much in them, but the partition has 8.25 gb used. Any ideas? Did I mess this up? I read in multiple places that 10GB was more than enough for the OS. I don't know how to repartition :(

Everything else is working well, my docs is on D, programs are installing correctly. I'm just concerned about that OS partition filling up so fast. Thanks for any advice.


i defently would have use more that 10gig for os,every time you install program on D\: it puts necessary dll files,driver files and such in the system32 folder on the c:\ drive .also the registry file ,and if you store large files in folders on the desktop they are also on C:\

as for removing windows program you don't need go to control panel add /and remove programs ,they will be listed there also in add and remove ,look on the left pain for add and remove windows components ,thats where you remove windows messenger and outlook express and such programs .

Personally i (like Jack) would has used more space for the C: drive.

You should be able to manage without repartitioning though. For one, clean up your desktop - move any files/folders to one of the other partitions.

You could also install a utility like CCleaner to help find and delete unnecessary files.

The default setting for the Recycle bin is 10% of each partition; you can change this by right clicking on the Recycle bin icon and left clicking properties(slide it back to 1 or 2%).

You can also move Windows' swap file to a different partition with the System Control panel.

XP SP2 - I partitioned my new hd (seagate barracuda 220) last week, set it up as per some common setups mentioned here. I have my XP OS on C:, all my programs on D: - they automatically install there. I have my data on E:. Workspace on F:.

From what I read, 10Gb was plenty for the OS.... but I'm getting worried, I only have 1.5GB left. The only program I actually intentionally installed was ERUNT for registry backups.

I see Messenger, MovieMaker, Netmeeting in there... which I don't need, but don't know how to delete. It doesn't seem they are even installed. I don't need Outlook Express either. Can Windows Media player be installed elsewhere? None of these things seem to be taking up that much space. the Windows folder is the culprit - but there's still only 3.3 gb in there. Tons of the $NTUninstalls. None of the folders seem to have much in them, but the partition has 8.25 gb used. Any ideas? Did I mess this up? I read in multiple places that 10GB was more than enough for the OS. I don't know how to repartition :(

Everything else is working well, my docs is on D, programs are installing correctly. I'm just concerned about that OS partition filling up so fast. Thanks for any advice.


step 1
Go to control panl>add Remove> click on Add/remove windows components, when the window comes up scroll through the list remove outlook express, net meeting, MSN Explorer, and any other programs you will not need. including MSN Messenger, you can you the new version from the web if you need that application...... also in control panel you can see how much space each program takes up on the drive, gives you a pretty good idea what you have to work with.
Step 2
The windows NT uninstall directories can be deleted As long as you don't plan to uninstall any of the patches. on your C: drive show all hidden and system files take a look at Hiberf**.sys and pagefile.sys you can move the page file to another drive, the hiberfl.sys can ONLY be deleted by turning off hibernation ( the file will only be there if you have Hibernation turned on) turn it off if you do.
Next find your user name directory on C look for the temp directory delete the content then in C:\windows\prefetch....delete the contents

NB programs are not automatically installed to another drive UNLESS you point it there. [Unless you Have the operating system drive as D:]

step 1
Go to control panl>add Remove> click on Add/remove windows components, when the window comes up scroll through the list remove outlook express, net meeting, MSN Explorer, and any other programs you will not need. including MSN Messenger, you can you the new version from the web if you need that application...... also in control panel you can see how much space each program takes up on the drive, gives you a pretty good idea what you have to work with.
Step 2
The windows NT uninstall directories can be deleted As long as you don't plan to uninstall any of the patches. on your C: drive show all hidden and system files take a look at Hiberf**.sys and pagefile.sys you can move the page file to another drive, the hiberfl.sys can ONLY be deleted by turning off hibernation ( the file will only be there if you have Hibernation turned on) turn it off if you do.
Next find your user name directory on C look for the temp directory delete the content then in C:\windows\prefetch....delete the contents

NB programs are not automatically installed to another drive UNLESS you point it there. [Unless you Have the operating system drive as D:]

All the components show that they are removed, but there are still folders with crap in them?

i defently would have use more that 10gig for os,every time you install program on D\: it puts necessary dll files,driver files and such in the system32 folder on the c:\ drive .also the registry file ,and if you store large files in folders on the desktop they are also on C:\

as for removing windows program you don't need go to control panel add /and remove programs ,they will be listed there also in add and remove ,look on the left pain for add and remove windows components ,thats where you remove windows messenger and outlook express and such programs .

crap. :-( Is there any way to make the partition bigger without messing up the whole disk? I don't know where I kept reading about 10gb. I saw people say 5gb - that *never* would've worked... although I would've known that as I was installing XP. :(

Personally i (like Jack) would has used more space for the C: drive.

You should be able to manage without repartitioning though. For one, clean up your desktop - move any files/folders to one of the other partitions.

You could also install a utility like CCleaner to help find and delete unnecessary files.

The default setting for the Recycle bin is 10% of each partition; you can change this by right clicking on the Recycle bin icon and left clicking properties(slide it back to 1 or 2%).

You can also move Windows' swap file to a different partition with the System Control panel.

Where would you suggest I move the swap file? I'll run a ccleaner on the partition now.

thanks all.


Move it to the partition with the most space available. You may need to leave 2MB on C: for log files.

NB programs are not automatically installed to another drive UNLESS you point it there. [Unless you Have the operating system drive as D:]

not sure what you mean by NB program but it is possible to put the program files folder on D:\ and do a regedit to change its destination ,but the system files \dll files that are instilled by a programed will still be install in system32 folder on c:\

not sure what you mean by NB program but it is possible to put the program files folder on D:\ and do a regedit to change its destination ,but the system files \dll files that are instilled by a programed will still be install in system32 folder on c:\

all my programs are being installed to D:\ right now. There are a lot of remnants of media player, netmeeting and outlook express in folders on C though.

Do you think I should repartition stuff before I reinstall the rest of my stuff?

all my programs are being installed to D:\ right now. There are a lot of remnants of media player, netmeeting and outlook express in folders on C though.

Do you think I should repartition stuff before I reinstall the rest of my stuff?

not a 100% sure what is meant by remnants of,but if you are not using them then you should be able to uninstall the programs in add and remove program

the folders are still there with stuff in them, mostly dll files and some other things, in the Program Files folder on the C: drive. Only some windows folders and ERUNT are there otherwise.

I feel like a dope for only installing 10gb for the OS. I read it on here to set it for 10 for both programs and OS,,, the apps directory I bumped to 15gb and that's doing fine so far. I don't know anything about the repartition programs, but I'd rather do it now than later I guess.

Thank you for your continued help

crap. :-( Is there any way to make the partition bigger without messing up the whole disk? I don't know where I kept reading about 10gb. I saw people say 5gb - that *never* would've worked... although I would've known that as I was installing XP. :(

Yes you can use Norton Partition magic to resize the drive

not sure what you mean by NB program but it is possible to put the program files folder on D:\ and do a regedit to change its destination ,but the system files \dll files that are instilled by a programed will still be install in system32 folder on c:\

NB should be followed by : meaning note well and doing a regedit to change the program location will be time consuming and you would have to move the entire directory the program is installed in to match the registry.

all my programs are being installed to D:\ right now. There are a lot of remnants of media player, netmeeting and outlook express in folders on C though.

Do you think I should repartition stuff before I reinstall the rest of my stuff?

once you remove the program through add/remove you can delete the directories... and yeah repartition you HDD before you start to add new program.

USE the program i suggested above, really quite simple....it's a matter of just dragging the sized bar...

NB should be followed by : meaning note well and doing a regedit to change the program location will be time consuming and you would have to move the entire directory the program is installed in to match the registry.

my reference is to when you do a xp clean/new install and before you load any new programs .

got it..... miss that part....

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