My friend is having a problem with her computer where, when it starts, it will load up until the Windows XP loading screen, then restart and will keep looping over and over again. I've had this problem before, but it was due to one of my harddrives crapping out. Her computer is a stock computer from a store (no idea what specs are). She said the last thing that was put on her computer was Acrobat Reader, but that was a couple days ago. The computer is shut off regularly, so I highly doubt it's due to overheating. Any idea?

Thanks a lot.

can you start the computer in safe mode, Hit F8 after the bios screen and choose last know good configuration. if that does not work do the same procedure and choose safe mode.

come back and let us know what happen

Nope, restarts even if we try either safe mode or last know config. =\

the only other alternative to this is to do a REPAIR instalation. you will need the Windows XP cd and set you bios to boot from the CD drive

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