Hello there
My office pc is been installed by windows vista and is been attacked by trojan horse virus. Its eating my computer day by day. Is there any good antivirus to sweep away this virus. Or should i just format all my valuable documents. any suggestions regarding this would be great.

More details on what the virus does (eating away your computer is vague at best), and maybe even how you caught it would be nice. Also how have you verified that it is, in fact a trojan? What tools have you used to attempt its removal?

My executable files are gone. I am sure I have a virus but I am not sure what to do.

You nee to install an anti virus, i will recommend you for symantec this one is best to protect your pc and pc all important documents from virus attack.

uh people this thread is 2 years old & original poster abandoned thread. now Welcome to DaniWeb djnunn you need to go here http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread134865.html and follow instructions as best the computer will let you then start a new thread in that forum. Later---

According to my point of view the trial period of your anti virus is expiry.
You should update the anti virus. Or remove the previous antivirus from control panel and install new antivirus. Install the Avast Anti virus. Avast is best antivirus.

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