
I am receiving an iexplorer.exe error when I try to launch Internet Explorer. I use MS 2000 Professional and I have already checked for viruses and spyware. My system is supposedly clean from anything. My internet connection is showing as being connected.

Could anyone help me with this problem?


Have you installed the latest Windows Updates?

What is the error? Is there an error message, what does it say?

Have you installed the latest Windows Updates?

What is the error? Is there an error message, what does it say?

Hello Mike. Thank you for replying. the error message is iexplorer exe error. I have not installed the new windows updates because I can't access the internet.

Hi Gail :)

I'm a bit stumped on your problem, the error message isn't too informative! Hopefully someone else will come up with better suggestions, but in the meantime:

1. Close any programs and insert the Win2000 CD. Iirc, soon after starting up it will offer the choice to reinstall or repair your installation. Choose the repair option.

2. Can you get another browser from someone, eg Moxilla or Opera, install it and use that temporarily to visit Windows Update?

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