I operate Windows XP Home Edition.
My Recyle Bin Icon is on the desktop and the folder is in My Computer. But I cannot access it.
Whenever I try to send a file to the Bin I get this message. "Cannot delete ---. The dir or file cannot be created."
This started a few days ago and I have tried various actions in "Safe Mode", several different virus scan programs. No luck.
Oh, yes. When I click on the Icon, the Bin opens but is empty. But when I go to System/Disk Cleanup, it says there is 1,953,722 Kb in the Bin but doesn't empty it!
Anybody have ideas?

right click the bin and tell me if you see anything odd. Look at "Max size of recycle bin" slider

Sorry- I got interrupted. Max size of recycle bin is 10% and the size of the drive is 35.7 MG

Sorry again I'm new at this: it's 35.7 GB, with 8.9 GB free.

ok, have you got antivirus software installed? If so I would recommmend a scan....if not get this (the free version):


Perform a full scan (it might take an hour or so) and let us know what happens. Good luck hope this helps. AVG is fairly simple to use and removes many viruses with little or no effort on your part so don't fret lol

I'm not doing very well - It's my first attempt at a discussion. So, my aoplogies. I did as you asuggested .. found nothing surprising .. the Bin size is 10% and the drive size is 35.7 GB .. so there should be plenty of spece.

Appreciate the recommendation .. but AVG is what I run - the free 7.5 version. I run it daily.

hmmm ok...will investigate - I will get back to you soon

hmm puzzling. I have been researching this and some people have suggested enlarging the size (&age allocation) of the recycle bin - might be worth a try. not sure if it will help though and if you try it I would recommend only to increase the allocation a small amount (upto 20%)

Thanks for the reference. I tried that a couple of days ago. But I just tried again. It doesn't work. But I noticed that when I clicked "Empty Recycle Bin" and was asked the usual "do yopu want to do this?", there was a circle with a red exclamation point on the file symbol. Does this perhaps mean there's omething bad/corrup with the file?

hmmm I am not sure I will investigate further and reply tomorrow at some point. Good luck

No, no other file removal software that I know of. But, hey, I'm a 67 year old neophyte and came to this site as a last resort when my neighbour's grandson recommended it. I'm fairly comfortable working in around in Windows, but I'm no geek.

Have you tried going into the wastebasket and hand deleting files? You might be able to find what the trouble is this way.

it might be worth your time phoning microsoft Tech support - Im baffled.

how are you getting on with this problem now timbur?

Thanks to both Majestic and Grim Jack for suggestions but I too am stumped. So, off I will go to Microsoft. I apprecaiated your time and thoughts.

ok good luck with microsoft

I operate Windows XP Home Edition.
My Recyle Bin Icon is on the desktop and the folder is in My Computer. But I cannot access it.
Whenever I try to send a file to the Bin I get this message. "Cannot delete ---. The dir or file cannot be created."
This started a few days ago and I have tried various actions in "Safe Mode", several different virus scan programs. No luck.
Oh, yes. When I click on the Icon, the Bin opens but is empty. But when I go to System/Disk Cleanup, it says there is 1,953,722 Kb in the Bin but doesn't empty it!
Anybody have ideas?

give ccleaner a try ,see if it gets rid of the diskcleaner reporting that the bin has stuff in it .

the folder in mycomputer can you right click and go to properties ,does it show any amount as being in the folder .

If the recycle bin software is currupted then try the following. Open my computer from the desktop.
Then at the top of the window you will notice a wide bar like the address bar in a webpage. Select everything in it and type:
Then press the enter key. After that, select everything in it by pressing Ctrl+A
Then press 'shift+delete'. That should delete what is in the recycle bin without using the recycle bin.

Sorry for not replying. Have been in hsopital for surgery and subsequent complications. Anyway, the problem was the first sign of a failing hard drive - and, sure enough, it failed.
I'm back in action - but am not much of a geek. So, don't expect me to be very active. Still and again, thanks to all for your help.

Well I am glad you got to the root of the problem, even though a failing hard drive is less than desirable. Hope you recover well from the surgery, all the best!

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