My daughter just called and is trying to log into her laptop. It's telling her that her password has expired and told her to set a new one. She did that, and it won't accept either new or old password so she can't get into her computer. The username she entered is correct - tried password with both caps lock on and caps lock off, just in case. She tried hitting Cancel to get in without a password, and that didn't work either. The OS is Windows 2000 Professional. Since Windows won't open without the password, is there anything we can do? Thanks for your help.

Gosh, I'm really sorry, I don't have any ideas on this one. As far as I know, no windows password = no windows unless you completely reformat from scratch. There might be a way though, see if anyone else has suggestions before you take that drastic step. Perhaps she mistyped the password initially? (entered a plural form of a word instead of the singular form, spaces, etc?)

You can find the answer here. Someone may help you by e-mail, and you can try Google for an answer. I don't know if anyone will post an answer here because it could help a thief. Moderator?

[edit] There were notices to change the password for 14 days. When the computer is running again, do this.

Thanks for the information. Vester - I didn't think about the danger of posting that kind of sensitive information. She can get no further than the log on screen, which means she can't get to her start button either. Maybe someone will email me before we have to reformat. Thanks again.

You will have to send me an email, kkg. You have not enabled your email address. My email link is at the bottom of this post.

Have you tried getting in through safe mode !

Even in safe mode, one would need to supply a password. Perhaps if there is some corrupt thing going on that is preventing the actual password from working, safe mode might help.

Ahh... I have had this problem before. Hopefully you set up another account besides the Administrator account. Luckly I did. If you have more that one account on the machine you are going to want to log in safemode as the administrator. When you get to safemode you want to right click on my computer, then select manage. Go to the users section. Right click on the user of the expired password and then reset it. Also check the box "Password never expires" this will keep you from running into the problem in the future. Hopefully this helps!!


Raph, I have Windows XP and tried the method above. I am lost when it gets to "Go to users section." My only path there is via Contol Panel > User Accounts. Am I missing something?

Ok I see. Are you using windows xp home edition or professional edition? If you are using the home edition of XP you need to go in as the administrator in safemode and reset the password in the users section of the control panel. I dont use home edition often. However, there should be a check box that displays the option for the password to never expire as i stated in the message before. Hope this does it for you. Take Care!


Raph, I have Windows XP Home edition. I don't want to change it because I skip the logon screen. I just wanted to know why my path was different. Thanks.

On Reboot hit F8 or F10 or what ever it is boot into safe mode start/settings/control panel/user accounts/create admin account __or just change all users account passwords thank u very much next

you can also make a small partition on the harddrive.
install a fresh win2000 on that partition.
then go into the other partition and edit the registry.
and change the password that way


I don't like the little ditti in you post that showes my ip address and service provider ,almost every fourm i go to has someone using one of those ,WHY!:)

I don't like the little ditti in you post that showes my ip address and service provider ,almost every fourm i go to has someone using one of those ,WHY!:)

Man this is intense

I just hate seeing my IP address in your post !>)

Are you scared calrice

Get a firewall. :P

and a router with nat

Would need some derivation of a linux boot disk so you can extract the .sam file from the hard drive, but I'm doubting that your daughter would be comfortable with something such as that.

I trying to log into my laptop Toshiba satellite. i have logon message, The system could not log you on. Make sure you user name and domain are correct, then type you password again.
I can't get into my computer. The username i entered is correct - tried password with both caps lock on and caps lock off i have Windows 2000 Professional. I can't open windows without the password, is there anything i can do??? Thanks very much for you help.:rolleyes: :sad: :cry:

please create your OWN thread :)

My daughter just called and is trying to log into her laptop. It's telling her that her password has expired and told her to set a new one. She did that, and it won't accept either new or old password so she can't get into her computer. The username she entered is correct - tried password with both caps lock on and caps lock off, just in case. She tried hitting Cancel to get in without a password, and that didn't work either. The OS is Windows 2000 Professional. Since Windows won't open without the password, is there anything we can do? Thanks for your help.

I am also having the same problem.

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