I bouth a simple laptop for a friend with Vista Home pre-installed. After linking up to the web, the IE/ ceased to function. Message I receive is: Internet Explorer has stopped working. EVENT NAME: Appcrash FAULT MODULE NAME: SmartEnhancer-1.dll etc. Can't now load IE7 at all. Visited MS website, but can't find a new IE7 for re-installation. Just get an XP SP2 version which Vista does not accept. Why does MS make it so difficult to find even though I enter Vista and Explorer 7 as search keys. If anyone can direct me to how I can get a new working IE7 specifically or Vista, I woul be very grateful.

Also I want to first de-install the faulty IE7, but can't find it anywhere in Vista.

hi check your manufacturer's website.. they should have the necessary files that you need... for IE7 try to google sure you can find one..but i suggest visit first your manufacturer's website or call them up for assistance...

There are no differing versions of IE7.
The added security that is talked about exists in the kernel of the OS, not the browser.

Basically, XP's SP2 IE is the same for vista except for this cumulative update (KB931768) available here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=0C65FAD3-BAAE-46C4-B453-84CF28B15F50&displaylang=en

You will recieve all IE7 updates regardless as you recieve the updates for vista


Thanks for your kind input. I did download the XP SP2 version of IE7 on another computer, but when I tried to install it on the Vista machine, it was rejeted and I got an error message that said the IE7 was for XP versions only. Hence my looking for a Vista version.

There are no differing versions of IE7.
The added security that is talked about exists in the kernel of the OS, not the browser.

Basically, XP's SP2 IE is the same for vista except for this cumulative update (KB931768) available here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=0C65FAD3-BAAE-46C4-B453-84CF28B15F50&displaylang=en

You will recieve all IE7 updates regardless as you recieve the updates for vista


Try resetting ie7 from the Advanced tab of the Internet Options control panel.

Have you tried Microsoft support?

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