Have you ever seen IE got locked up for as long as 20 seconds because the page has a popup window? If you do, have you solved the problem? Please tell me how.

I used to solve it by updating MS Virtual machine 3 months ago. But yesterday I installed every possible updates offered at Microsoft.com, it didn't work out--a waste of time and energy.

This problem is driving me nuts because I need it to test my webpage. I hope Micro$oft doesn't do this on purpose to discontinue support for java.

Hey testtechtalk, does this happen on all sites with popups? Are you using a popup blocker (including the one built-into the Google toolbar, Norton Internet Security, or a web browser like Safari with a built-in popup blocker?

Nope. My laptop is freshly reinstalled yesterday. In fact, I did what I used to do right after XP was up. That's why I suspected Microsoft.

And yes, it happens with every site that pops a window up.

Thanks Big "B". But I do need scripting to review my work.

I need to have a popup showed on my webpage. Disabling scripting is removing interactive capability from the page.

By the way, I agree that Mozilla does a better job than Netscape, especially when dealing with table cell's onMouseover.

uhuh-oh Double Post you might get a spanking by her !!!!!!!

ok I see why you need active scripting now

Sorry... I didn't intend to fake the post number (if that's what you meant). Thanks both of you. I appreciate your responses.

nahhhhhhhhhh I was just joking she seems cool I have to admit this is one of the most relaxed forum sites Ive posted at most of them you have to "walk on egg shells" and pray you dont get flamed by some wannabe black hat

I got one more question if you don't mind. By following your advice to switch to Mozilla (which now I love very much), I stumbled on Mozilla's language issue.

Is there any way to get Mozilla to remember the character encoding I set? I have to change it every time I open a new Mozilla window. The default character coding was set. Active character coding was also set.

Thanks in advance, Big "B".

hmmmmmm I didnt see anything thats dumb how it changes maybe you have to change it on root /administrator sometimes settings wont be saved if your on a limited account your on XP right

nahhhhhhhhhh I was just joking she seems cool I have to admit

Talking about me behind my back? :cheesy: You want a relaxed forum? Check out the early threads from when this board just got started in the geek's lounge - some of them are really whacked out!

As far as Mozilla goes, I'm an IE and Opera fan on Windows, a Mozilla fan on Linux, and a Safari fan on Mac OS X.

Talking about me behind my back? You want a relaxed forum? Check out the early threads from when this board just got started in the geek's lounge - some of them are really whacked out!

Never....I got your backside gal and I will also take a trip to the geek's lounge and take a look.
????Is 10 reputation points like the maximum .I couldnt find it in the most asked questions list or how it works compared to other forum sites

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