Hi guys, I'm new and I'm having problems booting from my dvd rom. I've tried EVERYTHING! This includes setting boot from dvd in bios and changing the jumper settings but still no luck. It is a genuine copy of windows, the only way to get it to boot from the dvd is to unplug the hard drive. I have an AMD Athlon 2500+ and an Asrock K74VTA Pro mothob. the hardrive is a hitachi and as far as i know the bios is up to date, any suggestions?

That's very strange.
Do you get the "Press any key to boot from CD" dialog?
Will it boot from a CD as opposed to a DVD?
Does the DVD drive work? Do you know for sure the DVD is bootable?

is this a upgrade or full version of windows. upgrade dvd are not meant to be bootable,

yes, the dvd drive does work as im playing games on it at present
and yes the dvd is bootable because if i unplug the HDD it boots from disc and yes i do get press any key to boot from cd but it doesnt register i tried pushing all the keys!

I've seen this with wireless keyboards and some USB keyboards.
Try a PS2 keyboard or a different keyboard.

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