every cd i write ends up like this:


why ?!?!?

How are you burning you're CDs? Do you use .iso images or drag n' drop (in a Winows Explorer style)?

What CD burning software do you use?

I use drag and drop

And I'm using Nero, then I swithced to Nero and I tried Plextools 2.17 - I have a plextor writer 52/24/52

I reinstalled windows and all the burning software... I defragmented my harddrive... I tried every writing speed... 4/8/16/20/24/32/40/52

And still the same problem.

PS: If I run the test at 52x reading speed it looks much worst.

Install [/B]Nero 6. Don't do drag-and drop. Use the options in Nero to burn disc. If writing data to disc you can use highest speed, wheras if your writing a movie file you need to have th speed around 8 or 12!!!!!

I clearly said I used Nero 6 and tried all speeds. Sheesh...

And drag and drop is an option to add the files... d'oh... :!:

Whcih Software Is That (the One Whose Screen Capture U Have Shown????)

every cd i write ends up like this:


why ?!?!?

Your Quality score showes 100.0, and errors showes 000
what is wrong with the cds' after you burn them .

Well can't you see ? After minute 65-70 or so, the discs that I just burned are not read properly. I copy the movie back, or whatever I have on the disc and when i get to "10 seconds remaining" it takes 2-5 more minutes...

Other cd-rom's / writers have more problems reading these discs at the end aswell, some even more or are unable.

Here's a test done at 52x read speed on a cd that was writen at 4x:

- the test was almost perfect at 40x reading speed though... weird :surprised
- and the previous cd looks much worse when I test it at 52x reading speed

I want to to know for sure if this is a compatibility issue, a bad lot of discs, a software problem or a recorder malfunction.
I don't really have time to take the writer to the service and wait up to a week until it's repaired/changed, and I need it daily.

I Am Trying To Be Very Polite,
But For The Last Time Will Anyone Tell Me Which Software's Print Has Been Put Up.

Early Response Will Be Highly Appreciated.

I Am Trying To Be Very Polite,
But For The Last Time Will Anyone Tell Me Which Software's Print Has Been Put Up.

Early Response Will Be Highly Appreciated.

Lighten up ,Dude

lol PRAKHAR, i thought it was obvious from that picture.
Well it's obvious offcourse for those that can give me a helpfull answer.

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