I'm having trouble getting the Lock Computer option to work. I was told that using this would make it so people would not be able to use my computer when I lock it. I do ctrl+alt+del and then lock computer and put in my password, and it still allows me to do everything normal on it. I could still open files and browse the internet. I thought it enables you to do that. Can someone please help me and tell me what im doing wrong. Thank you

Will the "windows key+L" option suit your needs?

Or if you want you can make a shortcut for that command to the desktop (or wherever).

Rightclick the desktop and hit create shortcut then enter this as the path:

%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

This has been another BIG B production

I do ctrl+alt+del and then lock computer and put in my password

Wait a moment there!

You press Ctrl + Alt + Del, click Lock (or just press the Windows Key and L) and then it's locked.

You'll see in this stage, you can do absolutely nothing except enter your password. (Depending on your system setup, you may have to press CTRL+ALT+DEL first).

You enter your password when you want to resume your session.

oh alright i get it now. i thought you had to put in your password and click ok and the it would lock the computer. thanks

My problem is just the opposite. My computer goes into computer lock all by itse?lf. How do I stop it?

My problem is just the opposite. My computer goes into computer lock all by itse?lf. How do I stop it?

You probably have your screen saver set to lock the system when your screen saver activates. Go into your screen saver settings and uncheck "On resume, password protect".

I never set that up, but, I looked at it and that was the problem. Thanks,tons!!

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