Hi.. I'm having problems with my torrent downloads. When I use utorrent as my client, the speed is stuck to 11 Kbps. I tried changing the port number but it doesn't make any progress. When I finally gave up utorrent, I tried Torrent2Exe which converts a .torrent file into a .exe file and automatically downloads the torrent. Here, I reach up to 40 Kbps of download speed (which is normal). What could be the problem of using utorrent? Thanks.

its got built in security features that wont let you download that fast and its horrible in general i would give you stuff but i cant say sites on here or i would be banned from the site and i dont want that happening and not too mention i really cant give the stuff i find out anyways.

its got built in security features that wont let you download that fast and its horrible in general i would give you stuff but i cant say sites on here or i would be banned from the site and i dont want that happening and not too mention i really cant give the stuff i find out anyways.

I use Utorrent myself, with no problems as long as you have you machine ported correctly. you have to set ur machine up with a static ip rather than a Dhcp. This link should help you port your router along with your computer www.portforward.com

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