I tried to search for answers to this problem on this forum and did not find any, so I am posting my question here. Please note that I am a novice user.

I have a Compaq Nevo800v laptop computer running Windows XP. I am using a Compaq Wireless 110 LAN external card. I have two problems after reinstalling and reformatting the hard drive. 1. The wireless card does not work. I called the cable company and all is working fine on their end. I called Linsky's and all is working fine on their end. Linsky's suggested that there is something corrupted with the wireless card. I tried to download an update, but I couldn't find one. I also tried reinstalling from the cd, but that did not work either. My network is showing up on the computer but there is no communication to allow me on the internet. I can however get on the internet by direct connection through my ethernet cord.

My second problem is slow wavy scrolling. I researched this problem and found that updating the video driver may be the solution. The computer is using a generic driver. I have no idea how to figure out what type of video driver I need. I tried downloading what was available for this model off the Compaq/hp site but it would not install. I tried downloading newer drivers, but that did not fix it either. I tried setting my browsers to default, but that did not work either. I've spent hours upon hours trying to fix this problem myself without success. If you could help me with these two problems I would greatly appreciate it.

I can't help you much with the wavy lines...maybe there's a magnet near the monitor.

For the wireless card, click Start, right-click My Network Places and choose Properties. See if there is a Wireless Network Connection listed. If there is, right-click and if you see enable, click that. If it says disable, then you're OK so far. You might want to click repair and see if you get a connection.

If you don't have that icon, then you're going to need to re-install the card. Let's go one step at a time for now.

as you say the lack of proper video driver is the problem with the wavy scrolling ,the updated drivers you downloaded does it come with a exe file to install the driver or was it a .zip file that maybe needs to be unzipped ,if its a zip file unzip it ,then look in that folder where it unzipped for a exe to install , ,if now exe to install ,go start ,right clcik on my computer go to properties /hardware /device manager , right clcik on display adaper and go to update driver and direct it to the folder where the new drivers are and it will install them .

confused me to!

for the pcmcia wireless device also in device manager in networkiadapter if it threr uninstall ,remove the card from computer reboot and reinstall drivers from the disk that came with it and then install the pcmcia wirreless device and let it install itself /
good luck

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