All of the flash content on any web page stop working since I installed Ad-aware and ran it with the latest updates.

I get a blank boxes with a small stamp in the top corner where the flash usually loads. And when I go to Marcomedia to the Flash Player download page, ( it wont detect anything for auto install.

Also when I go to the Flash Player tester page on Macromedia(, the shockwave test works fine but the Flash test fails to display anything.

I've trying reinstalling everything already and still no go.

If anybody has a similar problem with spyware software please post. Thanks

All of the flash content on any web page stop working since I installed Ad-aware and ran it with the latest updates.

Did you RTFM before using add aware

what is RTFM stand for please???

No I did not read the fine manual of adaware

All of the flash content on any web page stop working since I installed Ad-aware and ran it with the latest updates.

I get a blank boxes with a small stamp in the top corner where the flash usually loads. And when I go to Marcomedia to the Flash Player download page, ( it wont detect anything for auto install.

Also when I go to the Flash Player tester page on Macromedia(, the shockwave test works fine but the Flash test fails to display anything.

I've trying reinstalling everything already and still no go.

If anybody has a similar problem with spyware software please post. Thanks

I have the exact same problem as you and i cant figure out how to fix it. have you been able to fix the problem since your post??. please help.

can someone help me i cant get the flash player to download are to instal

All of the flash content on any web page stop working since I installed Ad-aware and ran it with the latest updates.

I get a blank boxes with a small stamp in the top corner where the flash usually loads. And when I go to Marcomedia to the Flash Player download page, ( it wont detect anything for auto install.

Also when I go to the Flash Player tester page on Macromedia(, the shockwave test works fine but the Flash test fails to display anything.

I've trying reinstalling everything already and still no go.

If anybody has a similar problem with spyware software please post. Thanks


install firefox ( then browse to the webpage you're looking for and reinstall flashplayer .. worked for me.

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