After updating to XP service pack 3 from service pack 2

i was just wondering whether anyone noticed a longer time to complete hard disk drive intensive tasks such as manually launched full system anti-virus scans?

My systems rate of of work done for this type of task decreased by about 25%

there could be other factors that relate to my system only , that is why i am interested in other system owner's experiences.

regards from tigerbright

Nope, i didn't find much changes in fine for me as of now...feels a bit secure as compared to SP2 :P :D

No. XP SP3 didnt make any changes to that part of the system. It was just a rollup of all the post SP2 hotfixes and updates + one new bit of networing technology and some changes to the installer.

o well, none to worry now - woke mine up with a 10k scsi drive

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