Maybe someone can help. I am having trouble re-installing Kazaa. When i try to re-install, it goes to a fix it screen. Once i hit the fix tab, it says that their is an error and the program will close. Please help

NO, stay away. p2p is dangerous. Use bittorrent, its not as bad, but its still alot safer then p2p thats filled with dangerous malicious thing's lol. After that you'll be posting hijack logs up the yingyang. You know what kazza is short for? SPYWARE.

Maybe someone can help. I am having trouble re-installing Kazaa. When i try to re-install, it goes to a fix it screen. Once i hit the fix tab, it says that their is an error and the program will close. Please help

That's a good thing! You shouldn't want Kazaa on your computer anyway. And it's against the forum rules here to assist with it.

Maybe someone can help. I am having trouble re-installing Kazaa. When i try to re-install, it goes to a fix it screen. Once i hit the fix tab, it says that their is an error and the program will close. Please help

You are getting this error because you must have removed the spyware that came with kazaa ,and it will not work with out the spyware installed.

Yep, Kazaa = spyware. Unfortunatly, in deleting some spyware; it will cause kazaa not to work. You may still be able to save the files you already downloaded by going to your kazaa folder on your computer ;) . But besides that, you Definatly dont want kazaa on your computer. Kazaa = :evil: .

I think BIGBEAR70 asked for help not a lecture.....

I think BIGBEAR70 asked for help not a lecture.....

If i was giving a lecture i would have written an essay on the subject of P2P sharing in todays society. Instead, i just gave my 2 cents; unlike you who gave really informative info :rolleyes: .

I'm Keeping My 2 cents to myself on this one

I don't have 2 cents to put in. I'm broke :(

But no P2P...especially KaZaA...can of worms, just like the others said.

Since we can't help with Kazaa, and Bigbear hasn't posted since the thread was started, I'm going to close it.

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