I'm running Windows XP sp2 with IE6. I used to have the Windows media player in my ie toolbar and it, AND the option to use it in Internet Explorer has disappeared. I don't know when my media player disappeared, but I was used to having it show up in it's little box on the left side of my open window. Is there any way to resurrect it? :-|

Open IE. Then click on the View menu ... then Explorer Bar, and then Media. I hope that's what you're looking for. Perhaps something happened when you used Windows Update to upgrade from Windows Media Player 9 to version 10? I'm not sure :(

I've already tried that, I should have mentioned that in my post. It's no longer part of that list. The only options in my explorer bar are Search, Favorites, History, Folders and Tip of the Day. It's just gone. I have Media Player 9. I tried 10 and didn't care for it. :cry: I'm not sure if it disappeared when I installed sp2 or not...

I went to the Microsoft Community Forums and I found that it the Media Bar was removed because of some security concern by Microsoft. I guess when I upgraded :lol: to SP2 that's when I was robb-ed... Thanks for your help anyway. :o

Hmm ... you're talking about the media explorer bar, right? Because I see it and yet I have SP2. I keep up on Windows Updates as well, hmph.

Update: Ahh, you're right. I don't have SP2 ;) Nevermind.

Thanks anyway, I appreciate the thought :-|

Update: Ahh, you're right. I don't have SP2 ;) Nevermind.

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