I have an older sony vaio and the hard drive crashed. I got an empty hard drive but i no longer have the windows 98 se cd that came with the computer. I need win98se because some hardware im using is not compatible with anything else, dont ask me why. Any help on where i can get a cd or download certain files would be greatly appreciated.

Have you tried eBay? You can often find old software there for not a lot of $$.

If you still have your product code, then all you need is the .CAB files from the Win98SE CD-ROM. Ask around to see if anyone you know has Win98SE, and check c:\windows\options\cabs\ to see if they're there. If they are, grab them (FTP, CD-RW, etc.) and use your product code from M$ and you're in business. I typically have 1 CD with the CAB files for Win95B, Win98, and Win98SE just in case I come across a situation like that (not that they've seen any use in a few years, but they're nice to have just in case:)

If you can't find any, e-mail me and we'll figure something out for you.

Thanks alot guys for you're help. I have all the cab files and the product code. If i save them to a cd-r and put that in the cd-rom drive, where do I go from there?

I think hes leading to creating an .ISO file were it creates an image of your harddrive from the CAB files. CAB being the os disk saved to the hd on install. You got nero?

Just creat a directory called win98 on your hard drive...
Copy everything to that directory then run setup from that directory...

I think hes leading to creating an .ISO file were it creates an image of your harddrive from the CAB files. CAB being the os disk saved to the hd on install.

No such animal there, Bub - can't create an .ISO of the hard drive from CAB files (.CAB files being "Windows Cabinet Files" - hence the ".cab" file extension - from which Windows 98 is installed from.)

Just burn the .CAB files to a CD-RW, then create a directory on the (formatted) hard drive and copy all the cabs to that directory. After that's done, simply cd into the directory you copied the cabs to and run "setup".

If you have Nero and a Windows98 boot disk, you can make the CD bootable, in cases where you have a laptop without a floppy drive.

My bad. lol. See you learn from mistakes, i was on the right path. The iso wasent needed, and is imposible. Although you can burn it to a cd-r/w etc. Sorry my bad. If you really want to do it the easy way, take the harddrive to a friends house and stick it in his pc, use fdisk of cfdisk and format it to his computer, then take it out and you have their OS.

I was going to comment, but thought about it and decided not to waste my breath :)

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