I too am in the page cannot be displayed category. I have printed a number of replies to this problem but I want to fix the problem in the right way.

I mistakenly deleted the win 32 file in the set access part of xp and I think this should not have been done. I know relatively nothing about computers but my spyware doctor kept bringing this up on the screen as a problem so hence the delete.

I have tried to system restore to various dates and I get the message cannot restore to this date no settings changed. Do I need to reinstall xp and how do I do this?

Thank you for all your good info.

Guru, Thank you for your quick response. I'll will follow the directions you've given. :)

After i innstalled ZAPro I have problems with some pages on internet. Some ads show up like boxes with a 404 error message, and some times it is only a red cross where the ad should have been. Not that I`m a fan of ads, but it irritates me that I cant resolve it. Any suggestions?
Per Ivar

Hi Per Ivar ,

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