hey i have a problem

sometimes my computer will act really screwy and everything i click with the left mouse button comes out as the action a middle click or sometimes a right click.

Also sometimes if i click an icon on the deskop it will select it, and if i click another it will select it too (as if i was holding control + alt)

Other times double clicking an icon will open its properties and other times moving the mouse will randomly select text or the I beam will randomly go to where the cursos is. evem more annoyingly sometimes it just will not type or it will type as if i am holding shift.

I intially thaught some sort of windows bug. Checked the MS knowlegebase. Checked the accessibility settings too. Nothing.

Then i suspected my laptop was at fault so i tried a new external keyboard and mouse. Also tried using both the standard MS mouse and keyboard drivers the OEM ones. No change. Disabling tapping on the trackpad doesnt help.

This is really pissing me off and making my laptop unusable. It only started doing this when I installed vista (originally had XP). Ive got the most recent drivers and BIOS.

Ive also checked for malware. None. Tried reinstalling the OS too. No help.

Oddly the problem seems to be much worse when in Firefox, but it occurs everywhere but oddly, not in Linux, but I cant use linux as it hates my laptop and causes it to overheat,

Whats the problem!!!

SP1 ?

maybe SP2beta.

Definitely sounds like Vista doesn't like your notebook much either.

Tried both. Doesnt make a difference. Grrr.

Do you have any other devices connected to the laptop? For example a Joystick or Game controller or similar? It's a long shot but if you have it is possible that signals from such devices can interfere with other instructions, albeit it's more viable in certain games... As said long shot, may as well check.

As far as I'm aware (& I could very well be wrong in this case) usually the behaviour you describe is result of either a conflict, or too many mouse/keyboard events which result in said behaviour... I trust you've already checked the alt or shift key aren't sticking? :D

I can't really suggest much as I'm not too sure, however perhaps a stroll into device manager might highlight something up there? Perhaps you can try the good old Update Driver from in there... (By driver update, I simply mean attempt to have the OS redetect device & hence install drivers again or similar) Sorry I can't suggest much else, the only time I've had similar problem I right click on the background & it's fixed... But I'm guessing that isn't the case this time.

aha. Reinstalled the OS again but this time used a retail disk instead of recocery partition and I did not install any drivers, and it seems to work fine. Now to try and isolate the driver causing the issue.

aha. Reinstalled the OS again but this time used a retail disk instead of recocery partition and I did not install any drivers, and it seems to work fine. Now to try and isolate the driver causing the issue.

Good to hear you've made some progress atleast... My immediate thought now is that there were something a little extra added to the recovery partition, either that or part of it were corrupt to an extent. I'd support the former myself. Regardless of which, it is still good to hear that you're atleast seemingly not experiencing the problem now.

Hmm installing the touchpad driver from the laptop manufacturer caused the problem again, but re-re-installing the OS and using the generalised one from synaptic (touchpad vendor) itself worked fine.


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