Hey i recently got a LCD HD TV that conencts directly to PC i -stupidly- unplugged my vga cable while monitor and pc were on and plugged it in.

It started off that my pc had a very strong blue tint, but playing with settings/wiggling cable has got it back to normal, but it isnt displaying red, ive tried 2 different vga cables 2 different monitors and 2 different gfx cards [8600GT + 6100 onboard] It displays the same on all. Ive tried the auto-color on my monitor menu and manually trying to change it just cant get red to display, ive checked pins on both ends of both cables and sockets on both pc and monitor nothing seems to be bent or missing.

Im really running out of ideas here :(

Have you instigated the Nvidia Control Panel and adjusted the settings there?

Reading your post, you didn't indicate how the digital connexion worked - I presume OK and it's only a VGA problem. Is that the case?

When i plugged it into the LCD TV it displayed exactly as it did on my pc, blue with no red/green, since then the blue tint has gone. Ive tried NVidia color setup, it doesnt change anything, tried changing the color management profile aswell. Still nothing.

I'm surprised you had the blue tint on the LCD TV. You woud have made a digital connexion via HDMI or DVI. Right?

Did you see this thread elsewhere?



It seems to me that there may be a motherboard or 6100 specific problem.

The loss of red output - well if you have an RGB port to which you are connecting on the LCD TV

The connection to my lcd tv is exactly the same as the monitor to pc connection socket. It may be a 6100 problem, but i've also tried 8600GT through a pci-e slot. Ive tried a system restore to a few days before this happened, but no luck. Im running out of ideas and hoping to god its not my motherboard. If i dont get a result from these forums ill try a format and see.

You could google nvidia 6100 problem and you'll find a whole string of them, referring in many cases to the exact symptoms you describe. I can quite see how a damaged motherboard could fail to deliver red to any graphics card.

Sorry and I hope I'm wrong. I don't see what a format will achieve.

You could google nvidia 6100 problem and you'll find a whole string of them, referring in many cases to the exact symptoms you describe. I can quite see how a damaged motherboard could fail to deliver red to any graphics card.

Sorry and I hope I'm wrong. I don't see what a format will achieve.

Unfortunately that one on board graphics card cannot be the cause of all the problems as ive tried my 8600gt in the pci-e slot aswell to exactly the same results.

Yes I know you had the same results with the PCI-e slot card. But RED has to be delivered as an instruction to the graphics card and that comes from the motherboard.

Did you read what problems others are having with the same symptoms? If it's not your monitor and the PCI-e card isn't displaying Red, it has to be the motherboard.

If the PCI-e card doesn't deliver red on another PC then I'll drink water for 24 hours

Yes I know you had the same results with the PCI-e slot card. But RED has to be delivered as an instruction to the graphics card and that comes from the motherboard.

Did you read what problems others are having with the same symptoms? If it's not your monitor and the PCI-e card isn't displaying Red, it has to be the motherboard.

If the PCI-e card doesn't deliver red on another PC then I'll drink water for 24 hours

So can that be fixed or are we talking new MB?

I've got to be careful at this stage in firmly advising that the mobo isn't functioning properly. That is my hunch by simple deduction.

Please confirm my assumptions:
1. The 6100 only feeds DSUB (VGA) output
2. The 8600 only feeds DVI-D

As we don't know the make of your PC, the monitor you are using and the LCD TV details, please tell us the following:

1. Your PC model
2. Your monitor model and what connexions are offered (DSUB? DVI?)
3. Your LCD TV Model and what connexions are offered (DSUB? HDMI?)
4. When using the 8600GT, did you disable the 6100 device in Control Panel? I think this is important so that proper software recognition of the 8600GT occurs. The 6100 may not have been automatically disabled and results could be unpredictable.

The 8600GT has 2 DVI outputs. Right? How do you hook this up to your monitor. Is it always the same monitor between 6100 & 8600GT (I know you've used 2 different monitors)?

Also, what was your conclusion on googling the 6100 blue tint no red question?

6100 only feeds vga
8600gt has 1 vga, 1 tv out, 1 dvi
Monitor is Medion MD6155AM (104110)
PC is custom build its:
Asusrock 939NF4G-SATA2 M/B
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4200+
1024mb memory installed

My LCD TV is Acoustic Solutions [cant find model] has HDMI and VGA connexions.

No option to disable 6100 when 8600 is in.

As for google, All ive read so far is stuff ive already done, check gfx card and monitor etc, check pins...

Sorry if i've missed anything its early :P

Control Panel / System / Device Manager / Hardware --> Display adapters

This should show both the 6100 and the 8600GT. When the 8600GT is present, the 6100 should be disabled. You can right click the entery for the 6100 and select Disable.

Control Panel / System / Device Manager / Hardware --> Display adapters

This should show both the 6100 and the 8600GT. When the 8600GT is present, the 6100 should be disabled. You can right click the entery for the 6100 and select Disable.

Nope, just shows 8600GT when its in, and when its out just 6100, and ive tried updating drivers of both cards, stays the same

That's fine (sort of). It means that the driver intelligently disables the on-board 6100 when the 8600GT is in.

So it's clear and logical to me.

You are unlikely to have a hard fault in both graphics cards (this is also your view)

You've proved it isn't cables and not the monitor.

Both video cards do the same thing - no red.

So, unless it's a really obscure software problem that nobody's yet identified, you've got a motherboard problem.

Would you agree?

That's fine (sort of). It means that the driver intelligently disables the on-board 6100 when the 8600GT is in.

So it's clear and logical to me.

You are unlikely to have a hard fault in both graphics cards (this is also your view)

You've proved it isn't cables and not the monitor.

Both video cards do the same thing - no red.

So, unless it's a really obscure software problem that nobody's yet identified, you've got a motherboard problem.

Would you agree?

I just use the thing, i dont profess to know anything about it ^^. Im saving for a new system anywayz this was the final nail in the coffin so to speak. Cheers for the help <3

my moniter displays nothing when i boot it, no problem with RAM, HDD, Monitor, Processer. is the display adapter fails to work, if yes then is that is repairable or i have to change it, because new data adapter gives me 800X600 resolution that is not compatible for me my monitor... help me insolving that problem...
thanks my email-id is : vinogenx@yahoo.co.in

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