Does anybody know the steps to setting up super web cam? It seems that when I turn on the web cam, the bandwidth goes to zero and my frame rate goes to less than 1 per second. This is not what I wanted when I purchased the webcam. I have a broadband connection, firewalls etc. and don't want to subject my computer to the adversities of virus's, spyware, adware etc. to set this thing. Any help would be appreciated. Yahoo Messenger and their fixes are useless.

are u using yahoo messenger or windows messenger .
I don't use super web cam but!! Sounds like a firewall settin on either you computer or the persons you are trying to use it with!

I assume you were here getting help to set it up !

and here

Thanks for responding.
I am using Yahoo messenger and its a logitech quick cam pro 4000-i know about the firewalls and have tried to shut them down to see if it makes a difference-which it doesnt. I have antispyware, antivirus and antiadware programs set up and the computer runs fine. This is the only thorn in my side. Still searching. I have tried the assistance from yahoo and logitech-no joy. But thanks anyway.

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