When I power up my HP Pavilion ze5300 laptop, I get the Welcome Screen "without" any user names to select. I "have not" recently loaded any new software from the internet or otherwise. I am running Windows XP Home which was installed by the manufacturer (HP).

I have used the ctrl-alt-del routine to force the log on screen to appear
during a regular boot and during safe mode. The log on screen lists my first and last name as the "User". I have "never" set up the password for this screen. I have left both fields blank and have also used "administrator" as the user and left the password blank. Without any luck! :sad:

Your thoughts?
Joe Swantack

well if you have no password for a user account it will not autom. sign on to that account..

well if you have no password for a user account it will not autom. sign on to that account..

I had a "user name" that would appear at the Welcome screen prior to the problem developing.

Please advise.

Have you checked out what's happening in the User Accounts control panel? Do the accounts still have names there?

If you haven't installed anything or changed any settings, it might be the work of spyware and viruses. Run a scan with some spyware and virus scanners. Also, try running System Restore back to a date when you had user names displayed.

Have you checked out what's happening in the User Accounts control panel? Do the accounts still have names there?

If you haven't installed anything or changed any settings, it might be the work of spyware and viruses. Run a scan with some spyware and virus scanners. Also, try running System Restore back to a date when you had user names displayed.

I can not get past the Welcome screen. All I can do is the "crtl-alt-del" routine and turn off the computer.

Your thoughts?

Try hitting "ctrl-alt-del" and then hitting del again. It should take you to a login screen, where you might be able to type in a user name.

Have you tried logging into safe mode yet? You might still have access to the Administrator account.

Try hitting "ctrl-alt-del" and then hitting del again. It should take you to a login screen, where you might be able to type in a user name.

Have you tried logging into safe mode yet? You might still have access to the Administrator account.

Yes, I have tried the "ctrl-alt-del" during regular boot and Safe Mode. The login appears, but no user/administrator names or passwords work.

Please advise.

Yes, I have tried the "ctrl-alt-del" during regular boot and Safe Mode. The login appears, but no user/administrator names or passwords work.

Please advise.

You know...I also have just experienced the same problem. It is as if my user account has been deleted and I have no access to my operating system anymore. Very alarming.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated....

:rolleyes: to get in and get your user back:

1. Ctrl + Alt + Delete and log-on.
2. Go to control panel and go to classic view.
3. Click on administrative tools.
4. Click on computer management.
5. on the left, click local users and groups.
6. On right box click users.
7. Click on your user and turn off account is disabled.

If this does not work. I don’t no what to do.

Thanks for those suggestions, however the problem prevents proceeding past step #2. I figured out what 'caused' the problem and will explain in a minute. But to save all of my data from that computer which wouldn't let me log on I had to use a second computer and attach my hard-drive in "slave" mode. After transferring everything that I wanted to keep, I then had to perform a complete reinstall of my operating system!

Who caused this mess, you ask? SONY!!!!


Why do I know that they are the cause? Because immediately before my machine was ruined by Sony, I installed this software. My computer is WinXP home with SP2. Apparently this Service Pack is incompatable with Sony's horrible software.

You now ask, how do you know that something else didn't cause this problem?

Great question...like an idiot, after reinstalling my new OS and obtaining SP2 from the Microsoft website, I reinstalled Sonic Stage. BOOM...it happened immediately after that.

Perhaps Sony's new version 2.3, or something, no longer does this...I am not willing to try until I can get some explicit answers from those morons!

Good luck everyone...I hope my pain can save you all several hours of your lives that can be better spent. (Now how do I deal w/ my anger?)

:rolleyes: to get in and get your user back:

1. Ctrl + Alt + Delete and log-on.
2. Go to control panel and go to classic view.
3. Click on administrative tools.
4. Click on computer management.
5. on the left, click local users and groups.
6. On right box click users.
7. Click on your user and turn off account is disabled.

If this does not work. I don’t no what to do.

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