is it possible to share a epson scanner over a network?
it is a USB scanner. Both computers are running win 2000

Apparently some scanners support might want to download a manual for your particular model if you don't already have one and see if it supports this. Another option would be to load something like VNC on the machine that has the scanner attached and then access that machine remotely.

yeah I use timbuktu now to use the scanner but if someone is on the pc it makes it hard to do. thanks I will look at the manual.
unless someone else has an idea?

Hi ,I did a Google and came up with this from
Aside from the software i was thinking the same thing when i read you post !!

Normally you cannot share a scanner over a network as scanners are input devices while printers are output devices. You can send stuff to a printer, but you cannot send stuff to a scanner.

However, there is software that will allow a scanner to be shared.

I have not used this software so canned verify that it works as described. Personally I cannot see the point. You have to stand next to the scanner to put in the originals, so why not use the computer it is attached to. You can always send the resulting file over the network.

thanx thats cool.
but it costs 100$, I wasn't looking to spend that much.
I can't always get on the other computer to scan because my boss is on it most of the time. thats why I wanted to do it remotely. sometimes the boss is a pain in the butt about using his computer. lol

thanx thats cool.
but it costs 100$, I wasn't looking to spend that much.
I can't always get on the other computer to scan because my boss is on it most of the time. thats why I wanted to do it remotely. sometimes the boss is a pain in the butt about using his computer. lol

Yeah ,a hundred bucks ,is bit much .I only paid 30$cdn for my used scanner ,that maybe you best option buy a good used scanned and tell the bos to go F__ a kyte :)

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