Printing was going fine as can be, with my Windows 2000 Advanced Server machine. I recieved an email that I decided to print out, and as the print job spooled, something got screwed up. I attempted to delete the job, to no avail. I restarted my computer, and now my printer is missing from the printers folder, and when I click on "Add Printer," I get the following message:

"Printer operation can not continue due to lack of resources. The print subsystem is unavailable."

Considering I have a >$1400 printer (the HP LaserJet 4100DTN) I would really like to use it. I'm using HP JetDirect to print to it, and the printers IP is, and JetDirect is running on port 9100.

And no, I cant reformat this sucker, I am running a 'mission critical' application on it.

Any suggestions?


Aparently, Windows shut the printspooler down. I was browsing the event viewer, and there it was. I just went into services, and restarted the service. Hows that for weird.

Nice to see you figured the problem out so quickly - kewl!


I have lost all the installed printers in Win2K Server. When I tried to add new printer it say alert "Printer operation cannot continue due to lack of resources. The print subsystem is unavailable". I have tried to restart the spooler service. It successfully started but when I opened the Printer Folder, it automatically again stopped. After this try I also set the spooler to restart if failed till two-failure attempts. But the matter is still there. When I try to add new printer it again shows same alert.

Please guide me. Spooler again and again stopped (I tried to restart) when trying to add new printer. I have checked my system for viruses with Norton updated ant virus software but no virus is found in my PC.

Thank you in advance.

Naveed Ashraf

I have recently added a new 2k server install to our domain, machine works fine but I now have exactly the same problem described above.. ''Print subsystem is unavailable..'' The spooler was also crashing out but I got round this by setting to auto start on failure..

Unfortunatly overnight one of the printers spewed 500 windows test pages.. not good.! Microsoft seem to acknowledge the error but don't give any indication as to a fix..

any ideas would be very helpful!


Microsoft seem to acknowledge the error but don't give any indication as to a fix..

any ideas would be very helpful!

This behavior occurs because Office 2000 Setup stops the print spooler at certain points during the installation process. When the fax driver for Microsoft Outlook 2000 is installed, the spooler is stopped and may not be restarted.
To resolve this issue, start the print spooler. To do so, type net start spooler at a command prompt, or start the service under Services in Computer Management.



where is computer managment I can ot find it in the control pannel

thanks in advance



Ah I amstupid

I found it Thanks

This behavior occurs because Office 2000 Setup stops the print spooler at certain points during the installation process. When the fax driver for Microsoft Outlook 2000 is installed, the spooler is stopped and may not be restarted.
To resolve this issue, start the print spooler. To do so, type net start spooler at a command prompt, or start the service under Services in Computer Management.


I get the same errors. However, when I go to services and restart the spooler it only remains started for about a minute or until I try to print something. Then it stops itself. I now have it set to reset itself every minute and right after it does I get an error message again.

I haven't installed anything new. The laser printer worked fine earlier today and now I keep getting errors. These are the same two printers I have had installed for 6 months now. I use the laser printer daily and now I can't get anywhere. Any ideas?

try removing the fax stuff from office.. and then restart it?

i am using win2000 server,i am getting the same error when i try to add a new printer.I havent installed any office software till now & server is update with all the patches.In services spooler keeps on crashing,i tried deleting spooler folder.Nothing qorked out.Help me out :cry:



I am closing this post after my reply, because the orig post is dated, and you probably have other things going on.

There is a reason that your printer spooler is crashing when adding a printer. Please open a new post, with a complete description of your server... OS Version, RAM, how much space is on the drives. Also look in the logs... there may be clues as to why the bugger is crashing. You might even have a fragmentation problem. Dunno.


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