My pc components are:
1) Motherboard - ASUS A7V600 - X
2) Hardisk - SATA Maxtor 80.0G
3) Display - ASUS 9200 SE...

My problem is, the os - win XP is always corrupt.... repeat and repeat...
Almost 20++ times i re-format & re-install the os just in 3 months period...

I dont know why, most of the time when i start the window, it appear a screen say:
Windows\System32\Config\System Corrupt or Missing

and some time it appear a blue screen say something like the window is damaged and in danger.... automatic shutdown...

Now, the more irrated thing is : I CAN NOT re-format, re-install and even CAN NOT DELETE the partition (with XP) with the window XP Setup.
The window Setup said can not delete this partition... :!:

Beside Window XP Setup, do we have another program to format/delete the partition???

p/s: i have try to put this hardisk to another computer (with win XP too) and want to try delete from there.
but, once i connect the SATA HDD into it, the computer stop loading when booting. (i have disable the SATA booting on that computer in BIOS)
So, now... i have run out of methods with

Can someone help??!!!

err... uummmm.....

You did set your system to Boot from CD and started up from the Windows CD, didn't you?

You never tried to do this by running Setup from inside Windows?

Yes, i never cos i dont know...
How to boot from CD and started up from the Windows CD ??
Set the boot sequence CD ROM at 1st?? or... i dont know...

Yep, do that in BIOS setup.

Pop the Windows CD in the drive, then Save and exit from BIOS setup.

Watch the screen for the message "Press a key to boot from CD..."

Yep, do that in BIOS setup.

Pop the Windows CD in the drive, then Save and exit from BIOS setup.

Watch the screen for the message "Press a key to boot from CD..."

Huh??? :eek:
I always do this....... but, after i Press a key to boot from CD...... it go into the Window XP Setup automaticaly... m i do somethinf wrong??

i have read the thread with "How do I wipe the disk and install XP?" in your signiture.....

From the guide, it said:
- set to Boot from CD-ROM as ‘1st Boot Device', and your primary Hard Drive as ‘2nd Boot device'. save and exit
- ...........
- ........... every thing i know....

But, I though u r talking about running Window XP from CD ROM...
As i stated in my 1st post, I CAN NOT DELETE the partition in the stage by
"Highlight the first partition, press <D> to indicate you wish to delete it, and follow the prompts to remove the partition."

That's Y i am headache...

Anyway, thank you.

Oh! Sorry. I suspect your problem will have something to do with the way your SATA drive is configured. If someone familiar with the intricacies of having Windows XP installed on a SATA drive doesn't show up soon (I haven't used them and can't advise you off the top of my head) we'll need to research the problem for you.

I'll give it a day or two in for others to contribute from their direct experience :)

Wow...sounds like it could be a power issue. Look at the last response in the article below: might want to read that whole page because there's quite a few suggestions that may also apply to the problem you're having. I thought this suggestion was particularly good:

"I have to clean some rusty brain cells but I'll give you what I can remember. I ran into this with an Asus P4C800ED. As I recall I had to go into the bios and set the primary to SATA and disable IDE. I pulled all the cables except the one for the SATA drive and it worked. You should disable anything to do with IDE until the install is complete. I don't remember needing drivers for the HDD. If you're installing Raid you need drivers. Set the hard drive settings to auto detect. Immediately after installing Windows, install the chipset drivers. Don't install anything before the inf_inst. Hope this little bit I can remember helps."

Obviously when he says unplug IDE that would NOT include a cdrom drive for installing Windows'll need that! Good luck!

Thank you for your further help.
I really need help to re-format/delete that partition with window XP.

I have read that topic, change the power...??? Does he mean change it in the BIOS ??

But, there have some different thing from me:
Mine : can install win XP, but the window always corrupt.
His : SATA HDD not recognized by XP during install.

But, i gained some useful info from there too. Thanks.

Because if dont do that, anything else can not continue.

Thank you for reading my problem.

Can someone help??

I still cant fix the problem...

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