Hey! Am I able to uninstall just IE itself and still be able to run my Outlook Express, and download the windows updates without conflict? Will this uninstall on any level affect the performance of the pc negatively? I also just took out Media Player 9.0.

On my other system I used IE Eradicator which made my pc real fast, but I obviously couldn't use O E and there was trouble with Win. updates.
This other system crashed I believe due to the update of AVG 7.0, but that's a whole other topic of conversation for later.

Thanks For The Replies Man! Junior

Internet Explorer is necessary for Windows Updates.

Thanks a whole lot.Your beautiful man!
Peace Junior

I have one last question.Is it possible for me to remove IE and replace it with an IE based engine browser that uses less resources.. ie.Avant,Slimbrowser etc?

Would it make any difference to Win updates,patches etc?

Thanks Again Man!

I have one last question.Is it possible for me to remove IE and replace it with an IE based engine browser that uses less resources.. ie.Avant,Slimbrowser etc?

Would it make any difference to Win updates,patches etc?

Thanks Again Man!

I aint no expert but i think those browser will need you to have IE install ,for them to work

Thanks Caperjack! I'm sure you have alot more pc experience than myself. Iv'e only had a pc for a little more than a year, n since I read Iv'e been banned from our public librairies, the pc is my book.

It's nice to know you can still get some things for free....like your generosity in helping. So thanks a heap man! Junior

Thanks Caperjack! I'm sure you have alot more pc experience than myself. Iv'e only had a pc for a little more than a year, n since I read Iv'e been banned from our public librairies, the pc is my book.

It's nice to know you can still get some things for free....like your generosity in helping. So thanks a heap man! Junior

If you don't want to use IE just ,download Firefox and set it to be you default browser ,and only use IE to getthe windows updates ,

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