I've tried a couple of "free" virus programs but they all end up the same: free 30 day trial and then you have to purchase it.
Last one I had was AVG and it made my computer SOOOO slow it wasn't funny and just got the message to buy or goodbye....
Anyone know of a good antivirus program that is really free and will do a good job of protecting against internet viruses? How about spyware? Some that don't slow your computer down while still protecting you? I'm sure I'm not the only one asking either......

Avast Pro (Basic is SH*T)

Avast Pro (Basic is SH*T)

no posting torrent sites please .
You have to buy Pro version

I have used AVG and Comodo. Comodo has firewall and antivirus (you can choose to have both or one). I use both and have no problems with them.

- Hope this helps

Are you sorted with anti malware and firewall?

Thanks to all, I'm going to look at all of them and report back!

I downloaded Comodo and so far so good. One thing I didn't like was that you're expected to restart after updating the virus data base which could be pretty often..... but, guess I'll put up with it for now. Hope this doesn't come up with "end of trial period, must purchase program now" since it didn't specify this was a trial version.... here's hoping....

I downloaded Comodo and so far so good. One thing I didn't like was that you're expected to restart after updating the virus data base which could be pretty often..... but, guess I'll put up with it for now. Hope this doesn't come up with "end of trial period, must purchase program now" since it didn't specify this was a trial version.... here's hoping....

I think its a 30 day trial .I loaded Avast [free version ]awhile back and it just notified me i have 21 days left to buy it .
I install Rising antiviri free the other day on a computer and it prompted to restart after the install ,and sent the computer into a restart loop, that i havd to fix by using a linux live cd to get into my hdd and delete the Rising folder !

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